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7 replies [Last post]
musawar Shaikh
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Can anybody explain me how do we export our p3 project to excell..
Its very urgent


Claus Wellendorf
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Summary activities can also be made as "WBS type" activities and exported as normal activities to excel. That is of course if you use wbs structure in your project and not only coding
User offline. Last seen 16 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
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To transfer summary tasks with activites:

Activity codes should be exported with activities.

then you can finalized in Excel.

Essam Rushdi
Amri Mansor
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Try use the following function.

=min( ) for start date


=max( ) for finish date.

Santosh Bhat
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Your "summary tasks" are not in fact tasks at all, but just the organisational summaries. They cannot be exported.
musawar Shaikh
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Thank you for quick reply.
With the guidance of you I figured out p3 to excel . But still I am unable to transfer summary tasks with activites.
Is it possible? to transfer summary task with activities??
Anoon Iimos
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just copy & paste
Eugene K
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Tools/Project Utility/Export...
select WHAT u wnat to export
remember to export in WK1 format.

MS Excel can open WK1 files.

but read in a thread that says MS Excel 2007 CANNOT open wk1.