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multiple resource assignmnet

6 replies [Last post]
Sami Abu al Heijaa
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dear all :

can any one help me to find a way that ican assign the manpower resource to multiple activites one time insted of going thru all activites one by one

please help me its very huge job to do that

thanks alot


Christian Adrian ...
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I agree to both solutions... either global change or exporting it to excel will do... just choose which one you are more comfortable/confident using...

good luck!
Eugene K
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for me, i will enter the resource and curve type in one activity. then export this activity to WK1 (selecting fields Act ID, Des, OD, RES, Units, etc.)
Then in open up this WK1 file in excel, eneter the Act ID for the activities i want to assign with this resource.
copy paste the resource data to these other activities, modify the units per day (or budget qty) as necessary.
Finally import this file back in to P3.
Voila! Done...
Tahir Naseem PMP,...
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The same simple solution
global change you can assign the curve type with the same methode.
Sami Abu al Heijaa
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Well Christian

i have added the resource to the activites but what about the curve, units per day ?

soory but i need this too


Sami Abu al Heijaa
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thanks Christian

i mworking on that now

i tell you if any probs came up

Christian Adrian ...
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the global change is a helpful feature....

