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P3 schedule from mandays to manhours

6 replies [Last post]
Jeffrey Newman
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I am currently on a project that has been resoursed in mandays, but we are finding it inaccurate when cosidering Earned Value. I have been asked whether we can change the resourse units from mandays to manhours, is there a quick solution to this using P3? Help!


Alex Rozenkevich
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The project I’m on we dont have money uploaded and to be able to show both mandays and manhours I assign a cost of 10 for each manday. Earned Value can be calculated for both, you just specify whether it’s resource or cost based.

Hope this helps.

Sukumaran Subaram...
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If you want to change from mandays to manhours:
a) check what is the allocated working hours per day.
b) make a copy of the current file and change the planning unit to hour.
c) then do all the necessary changes using global change.

If you just change the duration to manhours than I don’t think there is any significant effect because you are merely converting the duration from 1 day to 24 hours, which is generally the same. That means your EV is still the same as before.

Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi Steve,
Nothing will effect EV, We just mutiply Mandays to Manhours in GlobalChange and generate in report writer but if we change the origin Data from Mandays to Manhours of cause it will totaly change the EV. It will create more works to be done.
Steven Oliver
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What effect do you think this will have on the way Earned Value is calculated ?
Peter Bailey
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Hi Jeff,

You can try to copy the project (Tools, Project Utilities, Copy) and then change the planning units there. You can then make the changes using Global Change
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi Jeff,
I suggest u use global change.