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% Complete in Decimals

20 replies [Last post]
Vishwas Bindigana...
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Can anyone of you tell me how to get %complete in 2 decimals. When I summarise the entire project into one band, I get the %complete in whole numbers. This is not advantageous as I make updates on a weekly basis, and minor changes are zeroed-off to the nearest whole number in the summarised band which makes the progress look insignificant on a weekly basis.

I did try creating a Custom Data Item with ’Precision’ characteristics. But, this simply adds up all the individual %complete of the activities in the summarised band. I also tried to make a hammock activity to the Project Start - Project Finish. But, this is again showing a different value from the summarised project.

Will be gratefull for any help.



Christian Adrian ...
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Hello Vishwas,

Agree with Jorge & others too... why not export the value in excel? you can customize in a much better presentation too...


ayman eleish
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ayman eleish
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Hi frank
I am waiting for your softwar
Jorge Taguinod
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If you require PCT in decimals, I assume that your progress is based on cost. If so, just get the earned value and divide it by either the original total budget or by the EAC (estimate at completion). This way, you can get the PCT at any number of decimal places.

Simple, right?

Best regards,

pmkb .
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Frank, you are welcome to post your tool (as an attachment) for all to use in our templates / files forum.

Participate at the Project Management Knowledge Base!
ayman eleish
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hi frank
i will be very greatfull if u can send me this softwar that help me to get 2decimals in %compelete summarization
Frijo Tharakan
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I would appreciate if u can send to me tooo,

Planner Frijo
Sukumaran Subaram...
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Good Morning Frank,

Still haven’t received the software tool. Appreciate if you could forward to all the requested planners for our review.

Alex Wong
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I can see you becomes the favour of the week. :-)

BTW I would like to ask the real needs of having 2 decimals place in a project plan??

Is a schedule a preceision tool?

What is the benefits of having 0.01% complete. How accurate is the original individual activities % estimate.
And how accurate you want to get in the summary of these % estimate?

Thanks in advance
Sunil Kumar
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Pls add me in the list too Frank, email id -

Thanks and Cheers

Kumar J
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Dear Frank,

Can you please send the tool to my address also -

Thanking you in anticipation

Bharath Kumar J
irshath yakub
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I would like to try your tool. If I find it useful, I’ll recommed it to the other planners I know here. Please send it to me on

Also the current project progress which I’m working on requirement is in 2 decimals .

Thanks & Rgds,

Vishwas Bindigana...
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I would like to try your tool. If I find it useful, I’ll recommed it to the other planners I know here. Please send it to me on

Secondly, Shahzad, the discussion here is for generating the progress in 2 decimals as it is the requirement for the project I’m working on. I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t!

Thanks & Rgds,

Sukumaran Subaram...
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Hi Frank,

I would like to try the software tool. Could you e-mail it to my address "" when you forward to Daya.

It might be usefull in my future when I do a weekly report for my client.

Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear Frank,

I would like to receive your software tool, hence please forward it to my email id


Frank Borcherdt
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Tool was written to allow customer in defence to update WBS % completes quickly and accurately. They would organize by WBS (total at top) and then key the summarized % complete from the organized band into the WBS activity normally immediately below as layout is also sorted by early start. Since schedule is 20,000+ activities this was time consuming and error prone so we wrote the tool to automate this process.

Vishwas B’s original post details why he wants two decimals and since we have a tool that already does the calculations and updates it would be very simple to store the result in a custom data item field to two decimals.

I agree that rounding % complete to a whole number is what P3 provides and is usually sufficient. In fact when we update the WBS activity % complete that is what is displayed.

Shahzad Munawar
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Hi frank

By your given option, it is determined that without usage of software tool, progress in decimal cannot be ascertained in P3 itself.

Moreover what is its main effect if we take into account the progress in decimal? for precision purpose or any other

Common practice is that progress is usually measured in rounded figure.
Frank Borcherdt
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We have a software tool that operates as an add-in to P3 and re-calculates the % complete on WBS activity types based on the Summarization Option (duration/resource/cost). It would be very simple to store the result in a custom data item field to two decimals.

Contact if you are interested.
Dylan Wan, PMP EVP
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Can you have a more granular grouping of your activities and montor their % complete, instead of the one at the high level?
Rolyn Jalea
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me too. I would like to try that one. can u send it to me also,