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Calculating Overall Planned Progress

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kamran hazini
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Hi there;
My client is asking me to provide them with a report, including planned perecent complete and actual %complete for each activity and overally.
I defined a report in Report Writer to calculate planned perecnt complete by this formula: BCWS/BQ. Now the problem is that this way works for all activities perefct but the overall planned progress could not be calculated and P3 added all these figures for all activities instead of calculating the formula for overall project. I can ask my cleint to devide the overall BCWS by overall BQ manually but I think it is not very convenient.
Did anybody encounter this problem before or any solution for that?


Jaco Stadler
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Hi it is very easy.

1) Make a copy of your schedule.
2) Update this schedule automatic (Crtl f9)
3) Assign it as a Target (2)
4) Ask column Target (2) Percent Complete
5) Even if you summarize now it will be correct

So evry week you must just remember to update Progress in the Target 2 Schedule.

kamran hazini
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Yes you are right. I can calculate and store these planned figures for each activity in a custome data coulmn.
My problem is that P3 can not caluclate it for overall project.(a total %) If you summerize, it shows you all these values added (for example 2400!) I want a figure between 1-100%.
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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you can’t find the direct variable of planned % in P3 but you can use global change to represent your calculation and that can be stored in a custom data variable.

Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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kamran hazini
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Thanks for your reply but anyhow if there was any built-in column as Planned %Complete my problem would be solved with your proposed method.
The point is that P3 is not calculating planned progress. It says only planned value (BCWS) which is useless for my client. They are concerned about the progress not value. Could you please inform me where I can find planned %complete coulmn in accordance with my target file? Thanks
Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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you can use P3->Tools->Option->summarization option to choose the required parameter and use Organisation option and choose "Project" in the group by area and then in the total option to choose "Top" to show overall progress.
(Note: If you set your proper target schedule in the target area, you can display both planned and actual progress as explained in the above manner)