There have been many posts concerning the importing and exporting of P3 data to other applications for data entry, analysis or reporting. I have tried using the import/export function in P3, batch and ODBC. But what I am using most now is RA, the automating engine. It provides more power and flexability though it does require more programming skill.
Using RA I have written VBA/VBS macros that can create new schedules, add and update activities, add resource loading, run the CPM, run reports, interoperate other applications and more.
In responce to the post concerning loading BQ resources values I wrote an Excel/RA macro that creates the Activity/BQ matrix from P3. The values can then be edited and then re-loaded back into P3 with just a click.
If there are other P3 users interested I will upload the file somewhere. I dont want to be emailing it individually.
Is there a common file site associated with Planning Planet that can be used to exchange files?
You must have installed P3 RA on your computer for these macros to work.