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Actual % calculation

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Rajeev Kumar
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friends, is there any option in p3, that actual percentage can be shown as the used(elapsed) duration divided by sum of used duration and remaining duration?


Jorge Taguinod
User offline. Last seen 2 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Rajeev!

This is quite easy.

1. I assume that you are using a simple Task activity type (because if you are using Independent or Meeting with special resource contraints, then please inform me because the explanation may be longer.)

2. Set a constraint "Expected Finish" and put in an expected finish date.

3. Once you put in an actual start date, then you dont have to progress this activity. It will automaticall progress itself until it is 100% complete.

4. The only remaining thing for you to do is to put in an actual finish date. Otherwise, once it is 100% complete, it will continue to move with the data date until project completion. So dont forget to put in an actual finish date.

Please tell me if this works for you. If not, please tell me why either so I can post another solution.

Best regards,

Jorge P3 Taguinod
Crown Systems (Philippines)
Paul Harris
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There are three options for calculating Summarary % Completes, these are found in P3 by selecting Tools, Options, Summerization. One of them will give you the result you require.

There is an article on my web page at which explains some background on % Completes, it is mainly on SureTrak but there is some P3 info there as well.


Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris