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"% Complete" - must I press F9 many times?

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P3 Scheduler
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I have a project which is Organised and Group By "Project" with the "Total" selected in order to show the total % completion for the overall project during each weekly reporting.

During each weekly reporting, I will update the project data and rescheduled the project (by pressing F9) before printing the schedule in pdf file for emailing to my client.

However I noticed that the Project % (% Complete column) shows different percentage value each time I pressed F9 button! The percentage value will only "stabalised" and show consistent value after a few time pressing the F9 button. If I am not carefull I sometime emailed to my client a report which shows incorrect project % completion.

Any clue to what is happening?

Thanks and best regards,
CS Ong


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>you are right mr this i have seen only in pirated
>software of primavera. not with original one. you did not
>tell is it original one or pirated one?

I am using the original version 3.0 but it was an upgrade from V2.0.

Best regards,
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you are right mr this i have seen only in pirated software of primavera. not with original one. you did not tell is it original one or pirated one?
User offline. Last seen 4 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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What type of activity have changing the PCT? Task or others. Just consider the time only, PCT will not change after scheduling (except hammock). If PCT is subject to cost and resouce also, the case is far more complicated.
Jorge Taguinod
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Hi CS Ong,

As I recall in my P3 Basic (601) class, there was this rule about Open Ends in which Primavera strongly advises that there should only be one activity with no predecessor and one with no successor.

This means that all activities with no predecessor should be connected to a dummy activity (start milestone - project start); likewise, all activities with no successor should be connected to a dummy activity (finish milestone - project finish).

I have stuck to this rule and have not experienced your problem. Although I am not sure if this will fix your problem, you may want to try it and inform us of the results.

Good luck.

Best regards,

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I have recently noticed this effect of changing dates and percentages when I used an extensive number of Expected Finish constraints on a large schedule. I had to press the F9 key twice to make all of the constraints ‘take’ before removing then or the dates would change upon recalculation after the dates were removed.

I theorize that the ‘backward’ calculation of remaining duration to meet a certain date is partially the function of previous progress in out-of-sequence activities and retained logic calculation mode. In other words, although an activity has been actually started, if predecessors with remaining duration still exist, the activity in question must delay the resumption of progress until such predecessors are first complete.

This logic ‘pushes’ the start of the remaining duration of the activity started out of sequence. If you add an Expected Finish constraint to this delayed-resumption activity, P3 calculates both ‘ends’ of the activity and they interfere. It appears that pressing the F9 key the first time gets the solution ‘half-right’ and the second calculation finishes the job.

I may be wrong about the theory, but I am sure of the cause and result.
Vincent Tham
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I agree that what Ali Vessalis comments.

But due to your case, i also encounter it before but finally i solve it. If i not wrong and it may due to your activity linkings and scheduling options problems.

Can you send me a your project e-mail is
Ali Vessali
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CS Ong,
I dont understand what is wrong in your schedule. Every time you press F9, P3 will re-calculate all Data such as Percent Complete base on latest update inputs. Note that for calculation of summarization Percent Complete, P3 will use the weighting factor which is set in: Tools/Options/Summarization

In this option you can set the weighting factor by Duration, Resource Unit and Cost. Each time you press F9 the P3 will follow what is set in this option. By defult P3 will calculate the summarization data baseed on Duration.

The resulte of calculated overall percent complete will change if you change the weighting factor. So, it seams that your problem caused by this probebly.
If you need more info. send an E-mail to me (
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Hi there,

This one is a new one on us. We have mailed this out to the P3 "expert" group.

We will have to wait to see if anyone has a solution.

The Planning Planet team.
Se de Leon
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CSong, I do sometimes also encounter such problem, what I do as a habit, I schedule it 2 times or three times to make sure that the results are consistent. Se