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Organizing Layout for Critical Activiites

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Ali Hamouda
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can any one tell me how can I make all the Critical paths in one layout, or report?

All the Critical paths, so as to check which activity is responsible for the delay.

I used to check one path after the other.

I mean the governing activities only,,, is it possible?



Ferdinand U.
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Longest Path EQ Yes
Leonard Mon
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dear Mr. Tomas,

Good day..

Im following your instructions below, but once the report has been done, it says "Maximum vertical plot length exceeded".

Thus, it is not shown.

What to do to resolve the issue?

Daryl Walcroft
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I think the question has almost been answered but to clarify I think you need to do the following: Filter out all the non critical activities i.e all with float greater than -1 Use P3's organise function to group and sort (ascending) by each value of negative total float You can then see each critical path as a group and check the drving activities. I hope I haven't just repeated another response but wasn't sure this had been covered. Regards Daryl
Tomas Rivera
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Ali: Yes, I have 14 years using P3, not much though. Also yes for your question. You can have a tabular schedule report with the activities of the critical paths. But, you won't be able to differentiate between the activities with the same total float that belong to different paths. At least I do not know how. The only way to do this is using a graphical report. Tomas Rivera
Ali Hamouda
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Hi Mr Tomas, I beleive that you have good experience with P3. Regarding my quesition, is possible to have a schedule reprot for the activities that have critical paths(not graphical reprots). Thank you for your reply Regards
Ali Hamouda
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Salam To Ali Vessali, Pls read my Qusition carfuly. thank you for your reply your brother Ali Hamouda
Ali Vessali
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Hi Ali, In reply to your question, I can say that you can make a Filter format for choosing of critical activities by the following criteria: If (Total Float < 1 ) Then you can save the current layout as a new layout ID. Good luck and keep in touch. BYE Ali Vessali
Tomas Rivera
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Ali: In general, you won't be able to see clearly the diferent critical paths (if there are more than one)in a Bar Chart View layout, because you are not able to see the relationship arrows nor are able to organize by driving relationships. You can do that in the PERT View layout selecting the last activity of the project, filtering only the least TF activities, and using the tools/Trace logic window to select viewing only all driving predecessors. But you won't be able to see all that in a time scaled diagram. A better way is to go to tools/graphical reports/time scaled diagrams. There you can select the activities with the least TF and use the format window to select "placement" as end-to-end and "place by" driving relationship. That way you can see all the diferent critical paths separate from each other and in a time scaled format. I hope this helps. Tomas Rivera
Ali Hamouda
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Hi, thank u for your reply ,any way I was asking about the Critical paths(which have minus T.F). If there is a posibility to organize each path in one layout so as all the paths will be clear on time, instead of Jumbing to each critical activity one by one. a key for this problem , if you go to the Project end acivity,,you will find all the linked activities to the project end which have Minus T.F,and we can start from there to check each path. Instead of checking each path indvidualy, could we gather all the paths in one layout, so as it will be easy for us to make a recovery plan,or just to check what are the responsible activities for the delay in each path. Regards Ali ---------------------
Tomas Rivera
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Ali: Before trying to answer your questions, I would like to have a clarification. If you are asking for the responsible activity(s) for the delay of the project occured during the previous update period; then, you are trying to identify an activity(s) that meets any of the following conditions besides being the cause of the delay: has been completed during the previous period, is underway or has not started yet. If it is an activity the has been completed already, you won't see it in a critical path layout. If it is an activity the meets any of the last two conditions, you will see it in a critical path report. Before continuing with my answer (because this an issue that could be somewhat complex to explain), is this what you are looking at? Tomas Rivera