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Global Change Resources retaining "Budgeted Units/Time"

5 replies [Last post]
David Cartwright
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Good Morning, I am trying to do a Global Change to change some resource Name ID's to a new set of resources.  When I do my original Duration on the Resources tab is retained but the "Budgeted Units/Time" value changes back to the default of 1.  Is it possible to preserve the duration and budgeted units/time when I change reseources?


Thank you in advance


Rodel Marasigan
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Hi David,

Check your setting on User Preferences --> Calculation Tab. Make sure that "Preserve the Unit, Duration...." is tick. See below:


Rodel Marasigan
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Hi Jose,

Usually it happens if the Material or Non-Labor or Labor resource ID is already existing on the other users P6 database but diferent resource name. If the option for import XER resource is set to Keep Existing instead of Update Existing then this will not overide the existing resources.

Jose Ronald Lingahan
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Good day! I trying to save my XER file in USB(Pen drive) to share it to another user but the materials resources is not preserve/display to the other user?Labor resources is ok no problem with that? Anybody please share any solution to this materials resources which is missing to other users...Thanks
Jose Ronald Lingahan
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Good day! I trying to save my XER file in USB(Pen drive) to share it to another user but the materials resources is not preserve/display to the other user?Labor resources is ok no problem with that? Anybody please share any solution to this materials resources which is missing to other users...Thanks 

Zoltan Palffy
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make sure that the duration type is set to fixed duration and units/time 

the other option is to export them to excel run your global chnage and then import them back in