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Process Plant Level 1 Schedules in Excel - templates

3 replies [Last post]
Peter Holroyd
User offline. Last seen 1 week 2 hours ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Jun 2005
Posts: 166

Following retirement, I have for interest, used by 40 years planning experience to produce a series of level 1 schedules in excel covering a typical $300/400M Process Plant, built within a refinery complex, based on Owner's Board investment sanction PM methodology stages (FEL/FED), from inception to Owner' production and Pay Back (Timeline Options, Proposal, Concept, BEDP, EPC, OpReadiness) based on JV contractor using a OoC/IC design and procure split and local IC build partner. 

These were typically used to stimulate discussions in the project team as they could be produced very quickly at the start of any project stage unlike the level 3 P6 schedules which took weeks of effort.


If anybody wants a copy to look at (and comment on) send me a message with email address


Domingo Bonaobra
User offline. Last seen 1 year 24 weeks ago. Offline

Hello Peter,


I am interested with your schedule in excel, kindly provide a copy to

Thanks in advance.

Rajkamal Tangirala
User offline. Last seen 41 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Mar 2010
Posts: 9

HI Peter,

Can you share Content. would be interested in knowing the details covered.

my Email

Thanks in advance.



Rajkamal Tangirala
User offline. Last seen 41 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
Joined: 29 Mar 2010
Posts: 9

HI Peter,

Can you share Content. would be interested in knowing the details covered.

my Email

Thanks in advance.

