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Resource Assignment

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Michael Petzer
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Hi All,

Need to report 'resource limit' allocated to activities and show on a spread sheet or report. I set up the resources limits as per below, the 'resource usage spreadsheet' still shows the default 8h/d. There are multiple resources (diffrent set limits) allocated to one activity, all showing 8h/d.

Ive tried changing between calendars (resource project), changed settings to set default to 4h/d. Same result as above on the resource and activity spreadsheets.





Zoltan Palffy
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glad we could help 

Michael Petzer
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Thanks Gents, appreciate the input........

Rafael Davila
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For reporting purposes a split screen view is not always good enough, in such case a Gantt Report that shows resource allocation along with fields of interest may have no match. Scheduling is mostly about logic, volume of work, teams and their production rates, a good report should disclose these parameters and their values. In this case no activity with predecessor means there are no links among the activities.


click the thumbnail and zoom for a better view.

On the other hand table reports are better at showing time distributed data.

Diagrams are also good to show resource usage vs availability.


But sometimes this is not enough to understand how we model changes in availability of resources, here resource production reports will give us the clue. Instead of using fixed dates we used activities to increase or decrease resource availability.


These are just some examples you shall be able to mimic using your software.

Good luck.

Zoltan Palffy
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if you go to view layouts selet no whne it ask you if you want to save the lapout and look for the canned layout called Resource Overallocation Profile

or view show on bottom resource usage profile and under that data tab at the bottom under Additional Data Options check select limit and check Show Overallocation

on the left you and sleect a particualr resource to see if you are over the limit


David Kelly
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You need to use the 'Resource Spreadsheet' view, with the filter set to' all projects'. Since resource avaiability is established across all projects, you cannot see 'limit' when the filter is set to 'open projects only'