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Testing and Commissioning Labour

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Mike planner
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i just produced a labour histogram for the testing and commissioning labour histograme, basically, i apply 1 manday to each testing and commissiioning activities. 

The natural of the project is refurbishment, fit-out, plantrooms and testing and commssioning. 

The peak TOTAL labour resources is about 110 labour. 

the peak of my testing and commissioning labour is about 18 men

Does it sounds right, too high? or just ok? 




Many thanks



Rafael Davila
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"...the peak of my testing and commissioning labor is about 18 men...basically, I apply 1 man-day to each testing and commissioning activities."

  • Do you mean one person the full day for each activity for the duration of each activity?
  • What is the reasoning for such resource loading?

I would expect testing and commissioning activities to be performed by several teams, each team using several resources and perhaps because of resource availability leveling might delay some activities.

It is also possible that some resources might be on partial assignments or "part of the time" allowing for the same resource be working on several activities on the same day.

Jonathan Goldsmith
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There is a lot more information needed. I'm not sure if this adds anything to the conversation or not, but I would start by asking some more specific questions. For instance:

What does your team say? What do your upers think?

What do the subcontractors say? What do their supers think?

Who's doing the commissioning?

Will they need superviosion?

An probably the most important question: Is there enough supervision to make sure the assigned people are working efficiently?


Good luck!


Rafael Davila
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  • Because P6 does not account for resource quantities but effort you might be getting wrong numbers.
  • How did you calculated the quantity? 

By the way the image is illegible, I cannot read the headings and values.

Best Regards,


Zoltan Palffy
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that depends on what you are commissioning and the levels of testing that you are doing.