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Retaining Activity ID logic

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John Pease
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I need some help please. I have two seperate schedules linked together by activity ID's, but on a monthly basis I will need to update and produce copy files and re-write the links because they are not retainied. The Project ID changes but not the Activity ID remains the same.


This is obvioulsy time consuming, and because the schedules are updated they will be individually different files. So the question is can you retain the links between schedules even if they may have different data date etc. or different copies but still retain the same activity ID logic.


Zoltan Palffy
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that certainly would help to have the database in a centralized location

John Pease
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Thank you. I thought I would ask the question and I think the only way forward is to use a single database that external parties have access to, such as a Loadspring. As each file is external and issued from and external source the Project ID differs each issue. I was not sure if there was a new way of tackliing this. Cheers

Zoltan Palffy
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why dont you just continue to use the same schedule this way the project id and activit ids stay the same. Whne you are done with you update copy that project and save it as the update for the month or period. Then you have your historical schedule data if you need it.