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Resource Assigments. Actual and Forecast, don't add up to Budget?

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Philip James
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I'm quite new to planning / P6

And have a resource assignments question

I am trying to export the

1. Budgetted Units

2. Actual Units

3. Remaining Units


I go into the Resources Assisgnemrnt Tab and select one of the above and copy the information into excel

However. The units don't add up correctly? I.e

The Actual Units + Remaining Units do not add up to the Budgetted Units figure?

Any ideas?





Zoltan Palffy
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unless the job has not started or the job is not finished the actual units will NEVER match the budget

oal of these setting below are made in the Project directory 

go to the projects directory 

high light your project 

click on the calculations tab

on the right under Resource Assignmenst make sure that under When updating Actual Units or Costs that Subtract Actual from At Completion is checked.

Also make sure that Recacluate actula Units and Cost whne duration % coplete changes

Also make sure that Link Actual and Atual This Period Units and Cost is checked

Also make sure that Link Actual This Period Units and Cost is checked


On the Resoures tab on the right hand side Under Assignmnets Defaults that under Resource Assignments that 

Resources can be assigned to teh same actviity more than once IS NOT CHECKED

on the left under Activities make sure that Link Budget and At Completion for actvities not started activites is checked.