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Programme and Portfolio Reports

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Amro Ahmed
User offline. Last seen 2 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Jan 2009
Posts: 107

Hi All,

I would like to ask you if there are any standards for portfolio/programme controlling reports . I mean if I'm reporting  organisation projects (a group of projects) ,especially interventions.

For example: the indicators shall be limited to PMI such as :SPI or CPI , or can use made  up terms such as:Delayed value (to express the amount of money delayers) and Completion confidence  in order to rank  projects from risk prospective


Rafael Davila
User offline. Last seen 15 hours 34 min ago. Offline
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Key Performance Indicators are simplified metrics good for warning about some issues but do not give enough details to tackle the issues.  Traditional graphical and tabular reports are still needed.

I do not understand what you mean for money delayers, please explain.

If you mean to report on delays due to financial constraints then you need software more capable of resource leveling  financial constraints.

Software that can level portfolio financial constraints will delay/split activities when funds are depleted until more funds are available.

 photo PortfolioReports01_zpsfxpopj0v.jpg

Before leveling financial constraints there is some negative cash flow and optimistic NPV is based on unfeasible plan that do not consider financial constraints.

 photo PortfolioReports02_zpsfmymy9jg.jpg

After leveling financial constraints some activities will be delayed until more funds are available, no longer there will be negative cash flow and the plan will be feasible.

 photo PortfolioReports03_zpskmpdpyzs.jpg