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Delay by total float vs. delay by variance

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Dura Cell
User offline. Last seen 3 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi All!

We are using P6 in our project, one of our consultant is calculating activity delays using the variance dates (BL FInish - Finish), my point of view as a planner is the actual delays in the activity can be viewed once we run the schedule as P6 determines delay after calculating the schedule (critical path).

I would like to ask what is the effective way of computing delays in the activity?
Is it by total float or is it by variance? Any advantages or disadvantages of these two?

Many Thanks!


Zoltan Palffy
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one this assumes that the correct baseline has been assigned ot the current schedule

the variance dates (BL FInish - Finish) is comparing the finsh dates of the two schedules and will show positive abd well as negative variances between the 2 dates. It is the difference between the activity's baseline and current finish date.

the variance dates (BL FInish - Finish) will give you values even if the activity has been completed

when only looking at float values there wil not be any float values once and activity has been completed.

be careful because there is a difference between the BL Finish the , Finish and the Late Finish Dates

The BL Finish is the Early Finish date in the baselie schedule

The Fnish date is the Early Finish date in the current schedule unless its an actual date

The late finish dates minus the early finish n the current schedule will be used to determine the float values