Good morning everyone,
I am a Civil Engineering student currently writing my MSc. Thesis "BIM based progress monitoring" I am trying to develop a method to improve progress monitoring techniques through the use of BIM tools and to get a better understanding of progress monitoring and planning current methodologies I would like to conduct some interviews to professional of the field.
It would be really helpful for me if I can get answers from some of you, it could be through email, skype or an online survey that I have created. Also if you happen to be in Qatar (where I am at the moment) we could have the interview face to face.
You can find the online survey here:
I would really appreciate your help as this would support and improve my research significantly.
If you are willing to participate in this interviews just write your reply to this post and we can get in touch or directly answer the online survey.
Thank you very much in advance.
Jaime Garrigos Martinez