Need Hels guys..
ive been using MS Project and P3 for almost 5yrs above and recently ive changed to Enterprise P6 8.2, my problem is when i create my 1st schedule in P6 8.2 after setting activities, duration, predecessor, successor and all, when i change the activity's date its successor date and barchart do not follow its predecessor finish date. for example, i put activity 1 to dec.1 to december 5, and its successor to dec.6 to dec.10 but when i change acticity 1 to dec.1 to dec.3 (or change its duration) its successor remains in dec.6 and not driving or following its predecessor to dec.4. unlike P3 or MS Project it automatically move the date and barchart with respect to its predecessor. there is no float, no start date or % completed since its only for Plan and for baseline schedule. can anyone advice me on this..please..thanks