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How to Change Y axis in Primavera Histogram

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Faz Masood
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Hi Every one I need help I build a schedule assing budgeted man-hours and resource. How Can I show no of mens required iI put the time interval 50 hrs per week as we are working 50hr a week my time scale is in week but didnt work out it shows hours on the y-Axis. I need Help i wana s show no of guys.



Ben Kenneth Ntumy
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My problem is how to explain the values on the left compared to the values on the right of the resource curve in p6.

I have different values displayed on the left from that on the right. 

Somebody help me.

Zoltan Palffy
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view show on bottom resource usage profile

on the left bottom select your resource 

on the right hand side bottom

right click select Resource USage Profile Options

click on Graph

on the bottom under additional Duiplay options 

check claculate Average and check Base on hours per time period

this way as you change your time scale the to months, weeks or days the value that the manhours gets divided by will adjust according to the timescale. 

Robert Victor Gam...
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The resources must have 50 hour calendars or Overtime Allowed selected and Overtime cost selectable. The projects must have 50 hour calendars. You can actualize anything, but P6 calculates based on calendars.

Use Stacked Histograms selectable as all or any resources for all or any activities in all or any projects, with ALL projects and activities being the operator for determining overallocations to 'This Project' selectable all or any resources.

To wit: Open all projects and all activities that every resource is working on or get a partial report. A good project filter is Resource Teams. 

Right click and select Options/Preferences, selecting PS as Timescale, checking Show Available Units, Show Overallocated Units and display the Limits liine. Now scale it by setting the timescale period to show the number of weeks you focus on in one pane and slide the current date into the view.

The cumulative values lines show, et al, planned over actuals in the S Curve, but remember they are cumulative, not period values. Thus they are not pertinent but are confusing here, so ditch them in Preferences, generally.

S Curve is X Axis = Timescale and Y Axis = Values. You want manhours, so the values are Units instead of Costs in Preferences. The stacked histograms will show actuals in blue (only left of the Data Date), allocated in yellow with overallocated extending in red above the project calendar driven Limits line.

It is a good graphic to show manpower shortfalls, but not the easiest way to assign resources. Use Resource Assignments in the same all projects, all activities Resource Teams filters.

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instead of Labour type resource, change it to Material type