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Will Importing to P6v7 change my User Preferences?

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Kelly Arvizo
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I've been told by our administrators where I work that they can not import an excel file from another user, (in this case a client), without the risk that it will change my user preferences.

They said it was true no matter what format or file type was being imported.

I'm asking for an .xls import, and they've said they'd go ahead and do it if I was willing to take the risk that my preferences would change to the other user's preferences.

I'm just trying to verify this before I go ahead and say, "Please continue with the update"

Any advice would be appreciated.



Dieter Wambach
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As XER is a text format you can check which information will be imported. I've never seen any user preferences within this format.

It does contain some general data which may overwrite your data depending on your import settings if exist with same name:

- Calendars

- Global codes

- Resources

The settings for import MUST be checked before import!

Good luck!


Kelly Arvizo
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