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Activity duration will not change by changing the calender!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (SCREEN SHOTS GIVEN....pls help)

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Arun R
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Arun R
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Dear Giles Coulson,

                                  I will definetly take a look at ur question. I will reply you soon. Thanks for helping me in my problem. Any way nice to meet you. I like making friends around the world mainly who likes planning & scheduling and also interested in this type for anallysis and prob solving skill.

Giles Coulson
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Yes I do have to admit to does seem to be an inconvenience but I have not found any way of retaining the day duration, it appears that everything is calculated in hours / minutes and then the duration just gets auto corrected each time you make a change to the calendar. I spend my whole time messing about with wierd and wonderful calendars being involved in rail planning and I have experienced other issues on this front.

If you have any knowledge of Stacked Histograms is there any chance that you might have a look at the question that I posted a while ago which no one has responded to, on the verge of having export the data into excel and deal with it in there, potentially a very long winded solution.

Link to question below.

Arun R
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Dear Giles Coulson,

                              Yes are right we can do that using global change. I already done that. I changed the calender working hours by adding the difference. The thing is i want to know if there is any other settings in primavera that can autocalulate this change in working hours..... any way thanks for replying......

Giles Coulson
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To allow each calendar to specify the activity time period go to


Admin > Admin Preferences > Time Periods and tick the box that says "Use assigned calendar to specify the number of work hours for each time period".

If you then end up having changed the activity durations from 3d > 3.75d, or whatever it may be, due to changing from 10hr days to 8hr days the only way I have found to rectify this is to change these durations using a global change. Specifying the activity calendar and just multiply the duration by a suitable factor, in this case 0.8, to bring the duration back into line.

Hugo Bodewig
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Hallo Arun,

if I understand correctly  you have two activities taking each 8 hours.

If you have an 8-hour workday, both will take the full working day of 8 hours.

Now you change the duration of the workday to ten hours and quite correctly each activity does not take the full ten hours. After all you said that it would take 8 hours to do a particular job.

What you want to do is to increase the duration of each activity in line with the working day; so from previously a full 8-hours to a new duration of 10 hours per actvity. Is my interpretation correct?

Question is why would you increase the duration of activity? If it was a mistrake, fine; and to keep the schedule on track increase the length of the working day. But generall speaking, what is your idea behind this?

I can not remember off hand what P6.7 allows but you could change the type of duration. For instance you could change the duration type to a Fixed Duration & Units/Time. That would allow you change the duration with units/time remaining constant.

In your case say that there are two resources assigned to the activity and it takes them 8 hours planned but you decide to change that to ten hours, then you would still have the two resources but they would now work longer hours.





Arun R
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Dear Mr. Hugo Bodewig,

                                     First thanks for giving time for helping me. Actualy this is done in P6 V7. I already done what u said. I will explain the procedure i done. First i made a project and before adding activities i assigned it a 7 days 8 hours calender. Then i added activities and scheduled. After adding all the activities and scheduling I changed this 7 days 8 hour calender to 7 days 10 hour calender. and scheduled. But the thing happened is all dates are compressed. All activities are still taking 8 hours only but the time span become 10 hours. For day 1 activity A will take 8 hours ( suppose 7:00 to 15:00 ) and activity B will take day 1's remaining 2 hour and day 2's 6 hour (that is it start from day 1 [15:00 - 17:00] to day 2 [7:00 - 13:00].  And the one thing is if we add any new activity after changing the calender it will take the 10 hour. I think this is because primavera did't change the already assingned working hours to an activity. SO for recalculating this new work hours for all activities is thier any option in primavera p6 v7? please help me.....

Hugo Bodewig
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Assume you are using Primavera 6?


Probably your project calendar is set at 8 hours.

You can assign different calendars to each activity, one by one only, on the activity information bottom layout, or by selecting a calendar column, this allows you to change multiple activities at the same time.