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Critical activities more than non-critical

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi planners

I have submitted a schedule to my manager and he has returned it with following comments;

Critical Activities are more than non Critical Activities. Try to minimize these critical activities.


Please Advice


Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 14 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Hi Hall

If you have a programme that has a start point and a clear cascade of tasks to an end point then there will be only one critical path.

If there is more than one CP then the chances of this occurring naturally are infinitesimal - therefore the most likely answer is the programme has been rigged.

You can of course have a number of such sectional cascades in a single programme.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Christopher Hall
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Good run thought.  Concurrent critical paths are, in circumstances, justifiable thou.

SM also check to see if you haven’t inadvertently imposed a project must finish by constraint earlier than planned/ forecast.


Mike Testro
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You can start by removing all constraints that force criticality.

Next check how many tasks are set ALAP - they show critical even when there have lots of float.

After that look at what critical tasks remain and if more that 50% look to find out why -

First review any tasks more that 20 days long

Next check tasks with more than 1 outgoing link - are they all necessary?

Finally there an only be one critical path - if you have more than 1 youre programme has been rigged.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Christopher Hall
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Your manager may be refering to the quantity of critical activities.  I.e. 3/4 of the programme may be critical, 1/4 non critical.

Depending upon your stance on such a broad brush approach to a programme review, the statement may be justified.
