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P6.V7 Software Bug Found... causing PMDB corrupted!!!

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Praves Suppa
User offline. Last seen 1 week 5 days ago. Offline
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Hello Planning Folks,


      Yesterday I found a dangerous bug in P6.V7 about the experiment of using filter by below condition

                                            BL Project Total Float < 0

 Then clicked OK, the Error Popup Message is shown event code AVAA0-0633-5, then I clicked "Exit" then P6 Application was self-closed and I cannot open P6 again.. I have to re-install the software and my SQL Database cannot be recovered. So I just realize as well that this case is not facing problem when applied to P6.V8.


 Be Careful! about this sensitive bug that might harm your database especially to whom handling & collecting with huge project data.


Good Luck for All !!

Praves Suppa


Praves Suppa
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Hi Mike,

    I know that many of us still missing the classic version of P3, but it would be hanibalized by Windows Os from which market currently using 32 and 64 bits version.

    Unless using P6, it would be ok as long as OS is compatible with 16bits of P3. Otherwise P6 adaption is unavoidable from many reasons, such as project requirement from clients, OS migration to new version, etc...

    To back up the working database more often would be helpful at this case. I hope and wish this harmful bug would be the last for this P6 Version7



Praves Suppa

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 6 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Hi Praves

Sorry to hear about your situation - it sounds like normal P6 to me.

Best regards

Mike Testro