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looking for a programme for Apartment block development

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Leo O Neill
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hello guy & Dolls,

I am Leo and am new here, i am a  project manager and now have set up my own small company, which is good but also it gives me some challenges, one being i am being asked to look at a development in Moscow Russia and it is for a 52 unit luxury apartment block, this is not an issue, but i need to develop a construction program and i have not got any details program to hand for this type of development, Yes loads for Hotel, Prisons, Industrial, but typical not any on Apartments.


Can any one help me that may have one to share to give me the bases, i am preparing my WBS and it would be of great benefit to me. i know i hear you ask why not sit down and prepare it myself, well i would only i only have two weeks to have a draft ready to offer to try to win the project.


Kind Regards



Andrew Pearce
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Hi Leo,

Recommend you keep things simple in your programme.

  1. Sort out the substructure & Frame elements of your programme
  2. Identify temporary weather protection to allow 1st fix services & partitions to start. (you dont say how many storeys your block is)
  3. Consider breaking programme into habitable areas (apartments) Landlords areas Corridors & Staircases
  4. Dont get too bogged down with resources, get the sequence of finishing an apartment correct and resource will look after itself, limit number of trades working on any one floor at a time.
  5. Dont forget the external works & mains power & water connections, fire officer inspections and permits to occupy.
Leo O Neill
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Thanks guys both comments are welcomed, yes i am thinking too much into it i am used of doing complicated projects and am over think this one.


i like the Spider project i will look more into this software and maybe its worth buying, well i am too used to coming form the envoriment where i had planners work for me and i was handed programmes to review and sign off, now im out on my own i have to do it myself lol.


Ok i will keep you all informed of my progress,





Mike Testro
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Hi Leo

That was good advice from Rafael - I use PowerProject but I have seen a demo version of spider and it is good.

I get the impression that you are using P6 because of your reference to WBS.

You don't need a WBS - just start drawing tasks on the chart and link them up logically - an appartment block is at the simpler end of construction programming.

Just start from the bottom and work your way up.

Two weeks is luxury time - Two days is enough.

Good luck with the freelance career.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Rafael Davila
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Use Spider Project, it is a scheduling software of Russian origin, you will have versions in English as well as versions in Russian. To my understanding it is the most widely used software in Russia.

It is particularly suited to this kind of jobs where time value of money is so relevant. It performs present value calculations as well as internal rate of return calculations. If these calculations are relevant in the US and the UK then in Russia it is more relevant as their average inflation rate is higher. With it you will be able to present several scenarios and at the click of the mouse compute the PV, IRR,  MIRR and Payback Date of your investment scenarios.

The developer speaks English as well as Russian so support in different languages is no issue.

I am Spanish speaking but use Spider Project because of many reasons I consider it the best of what is available. After many years using other software packages this is the only only one that meets my expectations.


Best regards,
