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NEC Contract I need Urgent Answer Please Reply

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John Peter
User offline. Last seen 13 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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Oh Hi 

I want to know my NEC contract and from some discussion on this forum  i understand 

1) This is New Engineering contract and created to resolved disputes when things goes wrong mainly in construction contract.

2) It clearly define the responsibilities of sponsor and contractor

3) Reporting time is same as normal construction contract in which contractor produce reports for client in monthly

4) And I assume that the change in contract can be done by a clause define in the contract how to accept changes.

5) And same with the extension of time.


Now can you please please explain me what are other main characteristic of this NEC contract from the contractor point of you I need to prepare note for my meeting tomorrow and i need some urgent reply and i appreciate if you share some of your immense knowledge and experience of project management

Thanks in Advanced :) 

God Bless You All 


Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 14 weeks 20 hours ago. Offline
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Hi John

The essence of the NEC form of contract is the control and management of time - which is why the programme is a central document.

Changes are agreed before commencement and when the programme is adjusted and agreed it becomes the contract programme.

Delay events are discussed as and when they occur and if an extension is agreed again the programme is adjusted.

There are time risk buffers built into the programme.

The CA can request acceleration on agreed terms.

What people must understand is that it takes a lot of planning input on both sides to make the system work.

I hope this helps

Best regards

Mike T.