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progress duration will go the same as baseline duration

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Nanding D.
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To everyone please,

I’m new in primavera.  I just want to ask why is it that when I execute Update Progress in P6 the Actual Progress Duration will go back to each Original Duration, same as Baseline, even if the Actual Progress Duration is different from Baseline …Are there steps I miss?

Note that: I have already loaded it with resources and created already a  baseline. Can anyone help me?




Rockzy Sales
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how come? are you sure it does not calculate EV when you press F9 or click schedule?

even without pressing schedule or update progress, whenever you input actuals or % complete, P6 will calculate EV.

Check your settings.



the Rock

Nanding D.
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Thanks for the reply.......

But when i will not perform Update Progress it will not calculate for variances between Actual and Baseline.... and it will not calculate Earned Value.


Rockzy Sales
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try to click "Schedule"....instead of "update progress"



the Rock

Nanding D.
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 I had already appllied Actual dates & Percent complete to each activity and then make Schedule & then execute Update Progress.... but it goes the same....whatever the baseline length duration is....the progress length will change the same as baseline...


Hoping for a response,


Ahmed Elassal
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because the tool which you used is to give you the exact picture to the project if it goes ideally till hte date which you specify so you have to put the actual dates & percent complete to each activity and then make schedule not apply actual.