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P6 - Using the Global Change funciton to remove 'Actual' Dates'

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Danny Fitzgerald
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Hello Chaps

I need to remove all 'actuals' from the start and finish date columns. I wish to retain the previously designated actual dates so that they now become the schedule 'plan' dates.


Can this done using the global change function?


Thanks in advance




Shareef Abdul Azeez
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Hi Danny ,


  • You can remove progress of activities in a  programme, but to retain the Actual dates and the new Original Durations, you will have to change your links to bring those (Actual) dates on the  non progressed (Baseline programme).



Best Regards

Shareef A Azeez

Haitham Khaireldin
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Hi Michael,

No you cant change the data date to an older one.

Krishna Kumar
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Hi Danny,

              Why can't we try to save it as second baseline as we do in P3, so that all the actual dates becomes as scheduled plan & then you remove all the actual dates. Jus try it.



V S Krishna kumar

michael ramos
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hi haitham

why do you need to create a new file and then copy paste? can't you change the data date to original data date and run?

michael ramos
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if Activity Status not equal Not Started

then Activity Status EQ Not started


if you have resource units already progressed, make them zero first by global change or assignment columns

Haitham Khaireldin
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You can do the following:

Make a Global Change function in the then pane with AS EQ " " and AF EQ " " and PCT EQ 0

But you will face a problem, which is that you already have progressed activities which means that the data date has an advanced date over some/all activities. So if you followed the above cited instruction you will have your project unprogressed but not matching with the original dates. So you have to make a new file with a project start date same as your original file, copy all the activities from the original file and paste them in your new file then follow the above instruction.

Note: Dont transfer the old calender in your new file as that will change the data date again. Create a new one