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Cloumn for Max time/Unit

9 replies [Last post]
Shazia khan
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Hi -All

Please advise how to change a Resource , Column which is Max.Time/Unit defult is 8/d i want that 0/d



Shazia khan
User offline. Last seen 12 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear Mr.Rodel

Could you please advise me how i can assign weight factor to SCH.

For example

Activity weighting here it is?

Activity 1= EREC OF PACKAGES ON SKID w.factor

Activity 2= SKID/PACKAGE UNIT HANDLING 5% = 35,000
Activity 3= SKID/PACKAGE UNIT ERECTION 45% = 315,000
Activity 4=SKID/PACKAGE UNIT ALIGNMENT 25% = 175,000
Activity 5=SKID/PACKAGE UNIT FINISHING 20% = 140,000
activity 6=SKID/PACK FINAL CHECK/CERTIF 5% = 35,000

i want to update these Acticity with respect to Progress Measurment Sysytem which having same Weighting in xl format.

Thanks & Best Regards
Shazia khan
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Thanks so Much . i succeed,

Please advise what will be the problem while updating Mat resource.

Thanks , you are more then expert.
Rodel Marasigan
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If you want front loading payment you have two ways to do this.
1) You can use Expenses Tab instead of Resource and enter the Amount of 700,000 then change the Accrual type to Start of Activity.

2) Assign a Material Resource (Skid) then change the resource Curve. You can use future bucket feature by manually typing cost on the 1st month and zero on the succeeding month of duration or modify a Resource Curve (Enterprise-> Resource curve and first two field enter 50 - 50 and rest are zero or first field 100 and rest are zero then assigned it to material resource.
Shazia khan
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Thanks for your reply.

My company and SKid Manufactur Paymnet term some thing like this,

But My client and my Payment terms Install the Compelet Pakg. witout piping get 90% Paymanet,10% after commissioning.

anyway , my basic Problem is i am not able to put my Material Res to activity.

Mat. is equipment or skid , its cost 700,00 USD duration of skid installation is 50 dyas,(included Piping)

I want to see this 700,000 amount in front of activity (with in budgeted Material cost Column)

How i can do taht.

Best Regards
Rodel Marasigan
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Is this for material procurement measurement or construction progress measurement?

For Material procurement measurement it should be by supplier contract base. (i.e. 10% down payment and rest upon delivery or progress payment through manufacturing of skid)

For construction measurement it should be by production step milestone or weighting.
Shazia khan
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again Thanks.

Could you please advise for Material resource , what will be the Value for ( price / unit) field.

for example i have one skid , cost of this skid is USD 700,000 ,

Activity Duration is 50 dyas ( where is Mat.Res.assign)

what will be price / unit ? Please advise

700,000 / Duration = Price unit is this correct.

Rodel Marasigan
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The proper approach is to define the price/unit of each resource and enter the qty or unit. That should calculate the correct cost equivalent.

Once Resource is defines as Material you should be able to select the unit of measurement under Resource-> Detail tab (i.e. Linear Meter, Nos, Square Meter, Cubic Meter...etc.)

You can define all of these under Admin-> Admin Categories-> Unit of Measure tab.

If you are using variable rates (multiple rates on material items) you can change the rate source on resource assignment to Override and you should be able to enter different rates for same material resource.
Shazia khan
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Thanks for your reply.

i was confused about it while creating a Material Resource.

Could you please advise in Material Resource what should i enter,

Material Cost , Or Material Qty. or Units which will be work for material.

for example i have , Pipe in Mtr. Fittings and Valves in Nos.
Skid and Equipmets each. etc and how enter its cost to know that Budgeted cost for these item.


Rodel Marasigan
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Max Time/Unit settings can be found on Enterprise-> Resources-> Units & Prices.

Just a quick query and I’m a little bit confused. Why do you want to change it to 0/d which will make your resource over allocated.

I suggest to remove the data by selecting delete on the bottom of Unit & Prices tab instead of changing Max Time/Unit = 0. This will make your resource unlimited. The default is on Resources-> Detail tab. You can change the default to 0/d if you wish.