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Simple manpower planning software.

5 replies [Last post]
Neil Graham
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Hi i am looking for advice on some simple planning software.

Basically we have say ten projects running at any one time and i need to easily track who is on what project and be able to change personnel often to see effect on other projects. Number of men per project is usually two but can be up to six.

We are an engineering service company sending people all over the world and we are always having problems on deciding who to send where based on skill sets, holidays etc etc.

It would need ideally to run on the server so several people can have access and change which Person is allocated to which job.

We use windows xp and sbs 2003.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Sunil Babu
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Mike, this information is very useful, thanks...

Neil Graham
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Thanks mike i will give it a look over.

Mike Testro
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Hi Neil

I strongly recomend that you have a look at powerproject from Asta.

The resource management combined with calendars will solve your problems.

You can get a 30 day trial for free.

Best regards

Mike Testro
Neil Graham
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Yes you are right i suspect i am more looking for a cheap and cheerful resource management type system.

I found one called teamwork planning 2 but it is a bit clunky and has no undo button if you delete things by mistake, among a few other shortcomings.

If anyone knows of such i thing i would appreciate being pointed in the right direction.

Rodel Marasigan
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I believed you are looking for resource management software. You can Google and it will give you a lot to choose from that will suit to your requirement.
If you are looking for less expensive software, MS Excel can do the job for you with some VB coding. There are some excel with VB program already out in the market for resource management planning. Another is MS Project with proper coding and planning will help.
You can also try Primavera, Asta, Spider or any planning software but I think it too much for your need which for my understanding is more on resource pooling and resource management.