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Site Daily Report (Daily dairies)

2 replies [Last post]
richu rose
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Does any have a format of daily report, I would like to introduce in our new projects. Our company does not have any system of site engineers submitting daily report. As a planner i find it difficult to update without any information comming from site. I have to update weekly report just by visual observation & it is difficult in complex project.

Our is a civil contracting company.

If anyone has please e-mail me at




Jaga deesan
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Hi Richu Rose,

Please refer the Youtube Video given in this link regarding Daily Progress Report, which may be useful to you.  Even excel templates of Daily progress report can be availed. (copy and paste this link in your browser)

Best Regards,

R. Jagadeesan

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Hi Richu

You can set up your own daily report very easily in excell.

Copy and Paste the activity descriptions on the left of an excell sheet - if you are using P3 you will have to add other columns to fill in the Organisation bands.

Then add another column with Percent complete.

Suitable chunks of the schedule can be sent ot your site people to fill in the daily percentages for you to collate.

Save the file under a new name every day ie Progress 08-08-18 (yy-mm-dd) - so that they will appear in chronological order in your window.

Copy and paste the percentages back into the barchart- except you cant do this in P3 you have to type it all in - and again save it in the same format .

Make sure your drop down line is straight - not jagged - when rescheduling.

A summarised version can then be used in weekly and monthly reports.

Best regards

Mike Testro