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Steel Scaffolding erection rate (hr/sm)

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kier legard
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Whats the rate of steel scaffolding erection?




Abhijit Kale
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sorry Kier,

The rate which i have mentioned is for Steel towers, made up of channel/nagle section.

I dont have rate for steel tube errection.
kier legard
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Were actually going to use steel tube scaffolding and were constructing 5 bridges so if somebody can give me the rate of erection in sm/hr.


Abhijit Kale
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The rate i have mentioned is for steel stagging.

n stagging is part of scafolding,
You can add more of u r knowledge so we also can get more idea.
Premashish Shriva...
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U seem to have missed the question altogether. The query is on scaffolding erection rate. I don’t have an answer though.
Abhijit Kale
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This is for twin cell prestressed concrete box girder:
Span 43m and width 20.7m(top)15m (bottom).
Total tonnage for structural steel errection: 115 MT
Approx duration: 10days

Laying of steel plate(2.1x1.5m) for shuttering: 6 days (inlcuding laying, fixing, adjusting and aligning).

equipment used: Kobelco crane.

the above expmaple is for box girder which was cast in situ.

it may vary as per the type of super structure you have got for your bridge.

kier legard
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Dear Abhijit,

Actually im doing a schedule for Bridge Construction.I would be very grateful if you can give me the productivity rate for scaffolding erection in m2/hr.

Abhijit Kale
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Dear Kier,

You have posted the question which is wide open.

The rate of structural steel erection varies from type of project, location (restricted area/ open area), height of errection, type of structure, type of connection between two members.

so please specify for which type of project you want the rate of structural steel errection.
You can also refer to prod-rates mentioned on th eplanning planet.