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How many legs???

11 replies [Last post]
Oliver Melling
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Question: How many legs are there in the bus?

It’s not a trick question...

Can you figure this one out...

- There are 7 girls on a bus

- Each girl has 7 backpacks

- In each backpack, there are 7 big cats

- For every big cat there are 7 little cats

How many legs are there in the bus?


Mark Chapman
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I agree 0 or 2 unless there’s a bus conductor whom hasnt been amputated then you add 2 to the first number you thought of!
James Barnes
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If I was on the phone to my missus and said "I’m on the bus" she’d assume that I meant in it, not on top of it. difference in usage perhaps.

Accusation of chauvanism accepted, of course one of the girls could be driving the bus. Or in fact the bus could be parked and the driver (who could be any sex, race and persuasion you care to mention) might be off getting a sandwich

I have 2 medium sized cats and have trouble getting them both in my car. I really fail to see how you would get 7 big ones in a sack, of the ruck variety or otherwise, at least not one that anyone I know could get 7 of onto a bus.
Douglas Byles
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If the 7 girls are "on the bus" then I assume that there are no legs "in the bus".

Unless of course there is a bus driver in which case the answer would be 2 legs. (Assuming he is not an amputee).
Scott Sando
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James, how do you know one of the girls isn’t driving?

"As I was going to St Ives
I met a man with 7 wives.
Every wife had seven sacks.
Every sack had seven cats.
Every cat had seven kittens.
Kittens, cats, sacks and wives,
how many were going to St Ives?"
James Barnes
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I’m confused (easily)

backpacks don’t have legs, the cats in them, otoh, do

ah well, it’s wiled away a few minutes towards fight the traffic home time
Oliver Melling
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How you must regret that post!
Mark Chapman
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When have backpacks had legs?
James Barnes
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OK, here’s how I got my number (which sort of assumes minor trickery in the question)

7 girls x 2 legs each = 14
7 girls x 7 backpacks x 7 big cats x 4 legs each = 1372
7G x 7BP x 7big cats x 7 small cats x 4 legs each = 9604
1 driver x 2 legs = 2

14 + 1372 + 9604 + 2 = 10,992

or 10,990 excluding the driver,

although I could still call trick Q if the answer is, you can’t tell, because the other passengers aren’t listed...

etc etc etc
Oliver Melling
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Yes, you are wrong.

It takes most people a few attpemts!
Oliver Melling
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Yes, you are wrong.

It takes most people a few attpemts!
James Barnes
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actually I think 10,992 although I’m probably wrong and you’ve just proved to me how bored I am at work today