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Productivity Rates

3 replies [Last post]
bhadri vakacherla
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Can anybody help me out in finding a source where i can get productivity rates of resources .. say labor, equipment.. etc...

For ex: 1 cum of earthwork in softsoil takes 4 man hours.. and so on...


Doug Marr
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There could be an industry sponsered body that distributes rates in India. In Australia we have a couple of organisations that publish up to date productivity rates. These organisations are industry sponsered but you have to look for them. Sorry I couldn’t be much more help.
bhadri vakacherla
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yeah.. i forgot to mention it..
i am located in southern india.
Doug Marr
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For what geopraghical area are you looking for productivity rates? Care should be taken that production rates used (man-hours/quantity unit) are consistent for the region. Otherwise the distortion of the relative % weightings or BQ (man-hours) could render physical progress EV unreliable and inaccurate.