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Planning Events

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Luke Hayman
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I am new to the planning market and wondered if there were any planning events that take place in the UK that people could recommend to go to or steer well clear of?!

Any help would be much appreciated as the internet and its so called "fountain of knowledge" is drawing blanks at the moment!



Luke Hayman
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James, thanks for this.

I daren’t comment on collective terms on the grounds that it may incriminate me!

With so many people looking for planners at the moment - I am not sure there has ever been a need a collective term!
James Barnes
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is there a collective noun for planners?

If not we should make one up....

- a hammock of planners
- a milestone of planners
- a resource driven lag of planners

I shiver at the thought of a pub full of planners ;)

"you know, I had this milestone once, got it stuck right here..."

I suggest you look at , lots of good stuff here, particularly the top one, planning tips and tricks by Gary France. A nice primer.