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Project Controls Manager interview questions needed

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Mike Morrison
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What would be some good questions for interviewing a project controls manager:

We manage cost (prolog) and schedule (p6) for about $1Billion in University projects (about 300 projects from $100k to $100M).


Jimmy Xie
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Just to check all comments, I got a lot from them. Cheers.

hua 052011
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If you want to get more materials that related to this topic, you can visit: 

Project controller interview questions


Best regards.

hua 052011
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This topic help me a lot in developing my project. I will contribute more when I finished it.

Sabri Ghani
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if it’s me, i will ask

1. can you derive a basic schedule from scratch?

2. what is your factor in measuring progress?

3. what is S curve?

For me, the candidate should know all this.
Adedeji Adelaja
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Yes, he usually will have a role to play in the initial determination of the cost and schedule parameters, if he was on the project from inception.

Which buttresses Charles’s argument of working knowledge of processes and tools involved in the project.

On the other hand the project could be inherited, which reduces his input in the determination of the initial conditions.
Adedeji Adelaja
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I stand to be corrected but I am of the opinion that PCM is concerned with;

1. Comparison of project performance against baseline in terms of SCHEDULE and COST indices
2. Assesment of performance to determine indicated preventive/corrective actions
3. Project risk analyzing, tracking and monitoring to facilitate development of appropriate response plans.
4. Provision of information for status reporting, progress measurement and forecasting
5. Provision of schedule and cost forecasts
6. Monitoring change origination and implementation as they arise

Richard Spedding
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Absolutely. It does what it says on the box. A Project Controls Manager should do exactly that, run the project controls - this is not just tracking, but providing the information (cash, resources, time) to the PM to make the best decision on action to be taken, if any, at the correct time when there are deviations from the agreed plan.
Oliver Melling
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Sensei C.J.Orbe PMP

(Project Management Pillock)
Chris Oggham
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Hi Clive,

I see you’re back sorting out Charlie’s nonsense, errors and flights of fancy. I wish I had your patience, but unfortunately when I see somebody acting like a pillock, and trying to pass themselves off as some sort of expert, I tend to become a bit short with them.

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AND i will give to whom it is due.



Sometimes wierd emotions happened since I do need it to give me a booster in my work.

I noticed that you are not active anymore. Maybe you are busy or maybe the post are so unbelievable. Well anyway, just to let you know, I track your post,


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Clive Randall
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It was Andrew that discovered Marant not I
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This is democracy only in planning planet can we exercise true democracy "your right to say your opinion that I will defend with my life" of course some i like, some i do not like.

But please give the planning world such research done by you like the Marant Case,if relevant to a particular thread.

I do read your post.


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Clive Randall
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I relsih the cut and thrust of genuine debate, however i find your method sadly lacking in substance, facts and merit and usually reliant on misinformed opinion, racial bias and common misunderstandings. I believe, judging by the posts of others who I perceive you refer to as my stooges and wanabes that others are of a like mind.

Your ability to pontificate on matters you clearly have little understanding of leads me to believe that paying the slightest head to your ideas will land the majority of planners in the proverboial brown stuff.

I was not playing devils advocate but making a valid point that your post eroneously suggested that project controls was about planning. I went on to suggest that it has a much greater role to play than planning and one that cannot always be carried out by a planning engineer "done good".

Once again you have failed to recognise the other string to the bow that is cash in its many forms such as cash flow, budget projection and monitoring thereof. Yes programmes are required but equally and as important are correct establishments of budgets.

My purported constant sniping at you is due to my inability to digest your random arguments. I will continue with correcting you as required, so that other readers are better informed and do not head your opinions without due consideration of contra views, be they lazy white managers who get paid too much or more objective planners.

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Dearest Clive,

Here we go again. Why are you keeping on being negative and playing the "devil advocate". Dont be like your stooges and some wanaabe.

Clive, we are here more than one year and you are still reacting to my thread in the same fashion as before.

Please channel your energy by giving bright ideas like the Marant case. I love that. Show to the planning planet world that you are indeed senior citiezen worthy of respect

Anyway to rebutt your understanding of english language

You said "...believe they are about setting the course of a project, checking that it is being followed and manipulating elements to ensure success."

This is what my message is the fundamental of Project Control is Tracking. But first you must establish something to track meaning in our day to day work: The baseline program.

And to create a workable baseline program is a huge work for planning engineer. It is much more work in tracking the baseline program in the event the activities are more than 50,000. WHEW, whew, whew.

I intentionally mention just tracking for PCM to bait some bright ideas but sad to say, I did not get it.

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Dearest Clive,

Here we go again. Why are you keeping on being negative and playing the "devil advocate". Dont be like your stooges and some wanaabe.

Clive, we are here more than one year and you are still reacting to my thread in the same fashion as before.

Please channel your energy by giving bright ideas like the Marant case. I love that. Show to the planning planet world that you are indeed senior citiezen worthy of respect

Anyway to rebutt your understanding of english language

You said "...believe they are about setting the course of a project, checking that it is being followed and manipulating elements to ensure success."

This is what my message is the fundamental of Project Control is Tracking. But first you must establish something to track meaning in our day to day work: The baseline program.

And to create a workable baseline program is a huge work for planning engineer. It is much more work in tracking the baseline program in the event the activities are more than 50,000. WHEW, whew, whew.

I intentionally mention just tracking for PCM to bait some bright ideas but sad to say, I did not get it.

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Clive Randall
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I find it difficult to understand the content of your last post but it appears to imply that project controls are all about tracking.

I disagree most strongly that planning and project controls are only about tracking and believe they are about setting the course of a project, checking that it is being followed and manipulating elements to ensure success.

The tracking element only provides evidence that things are good or bad. Project control is using the information to put bad things right and good things better.

It is this general lack of undertsanding of what planning and project controls are, that leads to employers, recruiting planning monkeys to monitor projects rather than control them.

You apopear to imply that an accounting philosophy is what PCM is all about ie oh look I have done the books and we are bankrupt, rather than constantly monitoring the cash flow, tweaking the selling and buying costs to ensure that the company remains viable.

Of course I may be entirely incorrect.
Oliver Melling
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I thought it was pretty obvious Nieman!
Richard Spedding
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WHAT are you suggesting?
Oliver Melling
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Hi Andrew

In reply to your quest

IMO, Asked
1. What do you propose the scope of PCM should be. (reversal question). Answer: The fundamental of PCM is tracking, so it will follow that the fundamental scope shall relate to tracking, tracking What????
2. If you are in the oil/petro(I am in this), asked the various discplines and problems that lies in each discpline. Answer: The person who ask do not know. If he know and pretend not to know, it will create distrust. So, the PCM shall be knowlegeable in all discipline, NO EXCUSE please.
3. For specifics one, asked for hands-on demo of 1 discpline in either E / P / C. The PCM should be able to draft out. Answer: The PCM should be able to demonstrate his knowledge and versatility in Project Control.
4. Asked what analysis system to deploy for control - planning and cost. Answer: Be sure that the candidate can prove a syste approach in Project Control. You miss this very and most important aspect of the candidate, you will end up providing an employee to work for him, typical manager. "I AM THE MANAGER. SOMEONE MUST WORK FOR ME, I HAVE TO MANAGE SOMEONE".. he he, actually I dont know, i just wanted to learn from my workers since it is my previlege considering that the color of my skin is XXXXX.
5. How to reduce risk and provides effective control. Answer: The candidate must know how to answer this.
6. Efficiency with the various tool required. Answer Primavera P3 is enough. MSP is no good.
7. The projects that is involved. Answer: Must not be less than 1 billion USD.

Have to know how to single out participation and causation, ie are u the reason for success of project or just a participant. Answer: The PC should be the reason for project to succeed. Other than this answer, throw out the candidate, you are just wasting time talking to the candidate.

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Clive Randall
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I would like to think he had a role in casting the original cost and time data also
Clive Randall
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if you can plan but are not be able to read the contract or prepare costs and track them you cant be a PCM.

Using P3 is a task that an inteligent chimp can perform hence many are paid in peanuts

Project controls is driving the project with the time and cost controls firmly in view and requiring careful decisions and expeditious management to achieve the premium target of maximum profit.

Using P3 P5 or a piece of paper will not make you a good PCM just a clever monkey
Chris Oggham
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I agree with you 100%. It might be argued that the PCM should have some familiarity with using the different software packages, but I don’t think it is essential. As long as they know what is wanted and how this can be best delivered, this should be enough.

Chris Oggham
Oliver Melling
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Charles’ opinion was that a PCM should be able to use P3.

In a company where you are a PCM, such as a defence company, you may have 100 schedulers working for you across 20 different business units.
You may also have 4 or 5 different planning software packages, MSP, Primavera, PowerProject etc.

So, the point being made is that knowledge of how to use the software isn’t important to a PCM.
He/she just needs to know it can deliver the required level of project data to the PM’s and PE’s in the business.
Andrew Tan
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IMO, Asked
1. What do you propose the scope of PCM should be. (reversal question)
2. If you are in the oil/petro(I am in this), asked the various discplines and problems that lies in each discpline.
3. For specifics one, asked for hands-on demo of 1 discpline in either E / P / C. The PCM should be able to draft out.
4. Asked what analysis system to deploy for control - planning and cost
5. How to reduce risk and provides effective control.
6. Efficiency with the various tool required.
7. The projects that is involved.

Have to know how to single out participation and causation, ie are u the reason for success of project or just a participant.

For qn.2, I manage to generate a general template for EP of all the discplines which goes into my head. :>
Adedeji Adelaja
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To effectively monitor/control, you need a good understanding of the variables (people, project and tools to be used)involved in the process being controlled.

IMHO, I lean towards Charles’s definition.
Sudharsan V
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These are the responsibilties in a big project environment for a PCS Manager. So you can ask questions to him according to your requirement / expectations from the PCS. (First you should specify the role and responsiblities of PCS Manager and obviously checking his/her skill relevant to the expectations will be easy)

But definetly not checking too much knowledge of Primavera skills as somebody mentioned here.

In depth knowledge is always a plus


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Hi Sudharsan,

You mean to check and ask your Project Control Manager if he knows what your are trying to tell here in PP.

Please let us know.

Sudharsan V
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PCS Manager (Project Controls Manager) : Role will vary according to the Project & Organization he is working for. PCS (from Project Management firm) and PCS (from Contractor) will have slightly different role.

PCS Manager will have the following dept. reporting / Supporting to him

1. Planning
2. Cost
3. Document Control
4. IT (can support them for tools & tech implementation)
5. Contracts Department

PCS should be aware of tools and technology BUT not mandatory to have in depth knowledge of products viz, P6

Softwares are tools only, it can’t be learnt over a period of time but not the PLANNING.

PCS Manager should have the vision on How to execute the Project within specified TIME & COST.

1. He should Develop the WBS (not P3 WBS) on overall Project
2. He should be able to write the following procedures

. Planning Procedure (including software to be used, activity duration shuld not exceed 15 days, how to updatge progress, how to give activity id, how to measure performance, reports to be prepared on regular intervals, what if analysis etc)

. Document Coding Procedure - How to number each document viz, Submittals, Shop Drawings, Other Drawings, RFI, MOM etc

. Develop Cost Coding Procedure - This will help to identify the cost of the project at various levels (not to confuse with cost of P3). How to use Expedition / Prolog / Excel or some other programme to develop cost worksheet.

. Develop Risk Management procedure

. Should Co-ordinate to develop PMP (Project Management Plan) or Project Execution Plan (PEP)

. Always Proactive to bring notice about the kind of risks, deviation etc in the Project

Like this he should be abel visualise and should create a good interface of Planning, Costing & Document Dept.

For a big Projects / Programme various dept Planning Engineers / Managers will be reporting to PCS Manager / Director.

In short PCS Manager should be well versed Planning, Costing & Document Management. He should create a common interface between all of them.

Due to lack of time, I could not write more detail role of PCS.



Anoon Iimos
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really?...somebody gave you P5 (software) as payment for your services?...but you haven’t seen P6 yet?’re a very lucky man Charlie
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I did use P5.

But only the fundamentals in such a way that I can prepare a resource and cost loaded schedule.

I master it in one week time.

The intricacy of P5, I was not able to grasp since I only have to prepare a resource and cost loaded schedule using P5. No update.

I have the software. This was the payment I request for the services I provided.

But the work environment I’m in is not using P5, so any skill I derive using P5 is useless.


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HI Dinesh,

I agree with you.

It so happen that I come across only with P5. Some friend of mine ask me to do Planning/scheduling using P6. I learn only the basic since I have to present a schedule in one week time. I did finish the fundamentals using P6.

After that..... no more. The point here is to know that fundamental in such a way that whatever software available, we can always present a plan.

Using MSP is never a problem to me, whatever version or upgrade.

The project environment Im in at the moment is not using P5. So, I got stuck with P3.

Generally, Project Control is trackcing. It is piece of cake. The basic problem also is that the line manager and top manager dont want to listen?????


Dinesh Kumar Dama...
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Hi Charleston,

There are many project controls/plannning engineers who can do far better than quite many project controls managers in UAE but their CVs may not reflect all that.Even their CVs do reflect but there are many other factors that are affecting them becoming project controls managers.

For your information, P3,P5 now P6 are just tools only to allow you to make scheduling but not planning.If one do not know how to use P6 or P5,then the same can be leart in no time, but basically planning engineer/planning manager/ project controls manager should know how to plan.He/she should know the time required for individual tasks, the sequence of work, cycle time analysis,cost engineering and so on. Beside all these requirement he should also know project management which would allow him to work with project management team closely and effeciently.He also should know contracts and it relation to the schedule and delay analysis etc.



Anoon Iimos
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Have you seen or used P6 by any chance? If you did, can you share some comments about it?...please...?
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But what happen during interview:

Some prospective candidates chicken, they are scared to show what they know about planning, so the best alibi, i got a good offer yesterday only (liar).

Some candidate bring their laptops, recent reports showing P3 schedule, S-Curve,, BUT BUT, when the proficiency hands on demonstration: The laptop got password which the candidates dont know the password. OK company will lend the company laptop, but when candidate used, candidate destroy the company laptop. NO exam possible

In conclusion: People acting funny when they say more than in their cv. That is why hands on proficiency is very important.


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Believe me,

If any planner can demostrate the above during interview, WHEWWwww,

Your price is sky is the limit.

The company will beg for your to join them.

Based on my experience.

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And going back to the thread?????

Actually my question is very fair.

It is like this.

Base on your experience, please prepare a new hypothetical project (Villa Construciton, Residential Building Construction, Tower/High Rise Construction, Bridge Construction, Industrial Construction, Oil and Gas Facilties, etc.)

Limit the activities from 15 to 30 activities. The activity type should included task, milestiones and hammock.

Please demonstrate proficiency in export/import command
Please demonstrate proficiency in global change.
Please demonstrate assigning resources and cost.
Please demonstrate WBS and Activity Codes.

From the new project, please produce a Progress S-curve in Excel chart.

Please prepare a Narrative of your program and Progress S-curve.

What is planning?
What is Project Control?

Demonstrate expertise in system approach in Project Planning and Project Contorl.

I believe this is a fair requirement to a Prospective "PROJECT CONTROL MANAGER" candidate for employement
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Hi Oliver,

That is not the point of this thread.

If you are really interested to know, please start a thread regarding paychecks of planners. As for me I’m not interested to what other people earn.

So please follow my advice if you are sincere in your quest to know how much company are paying there planner.

IMHO, mine is still a secret which I believe majority of our member also wanted that to keep secret how much there company are paying them.


Oliver Melling
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But what company is paying $240,000 per annum?
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You should know how the world revolve.

People will know the company, they will present themselves and ask for smaller packet.

some planners go lowest, 3,000 AED per month. it will not be surprising if 1 million applicant, housewife, labourers, illegal immigrants, etc. will present themselves with bogus credetial not authenticated by independent third party

Competition is very tough if you are in this level. One mistake, bye bye, no comapssion.

To survive, you are simply the best.



Oliver Melling
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What company is paying $240,000 per annum for a planner?

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Hello Oliver,

Your experience may gave you that conclusion.

In my experience this is not the case. and if people work with my project control team, I have to ensure that my teams are proficient in the using planning software, Primavera P3.

I dread hiring someone who claim in his cv that he know this and that, then at the end of the day I will find out that he dont know anything. Can you imagine the embarassment to the Client, executive management, etc.

The worse thing to happen is to cover up the mess. AND THIS MEANS "I HAVE TO DO HIS WORK and he will sit and watch me do his work!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH what a shame!!!!

Who’s head will roll??? I cannot afford to lose 20,0000 USD per mont all inclusive.

This is only self preservation and to let people know I’m not gullible.

Im sorry, my standard is to high.

I will not hire housewife, wedding planers, smal time planners.

They should be engineers who are professional planners.


Oliver Melling
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I think the point is that a PCM doesn’t need to be able to use planning software.

Whether MSP of P3e, a PCM controls systems, processes and the planners who do the physical planning for him/her.

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MSP is nothing.

There is not imagination in MSP.

It is very easy to use that, in my standard, it is not really a planning tools.

This is a big problem here in planning planet because anyone can use MSP and call themselves planner, even labourers from far away land can punch the keyboard of MSP and call themselves the greatest planners on earth or PP.

Im sorry but this is only my humble opinion. IMHO.
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MSP is nothing.

There is not imagination in MSP.

It is very easy to use that, in my standard, it is not really a planning tools.

This is a big problem here in planning planet because anyone can use MSP and call themselves planner, even labourers from far away land can punch the keyboard of MSP and call themselves the greatest planners on earth or PP.

Im sorry but this is only my humble opinion. IMHO.
Oliver Melling
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But what if they use MSP
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Before you interveiw a candidate for Project Control Manager, you have to be praactical that not all written in the cv are correct.

The best way to hire a prospective candidate is to undergo hands-on proficiency in Primavera P3.

I have a lot of candidates for Junior Planning Manager but acting strange on the day of there schedule hands on proficiency exam in Primavera, Excel, Words, Access and Powerpoint.

There alibi: I took a good offer only yesterday around 15,000 USD per month all inclusive.

Anyone interested to work with me and undergo the process is most welcome. WE can arrange for online or virtual hands on proficiency exam, if interested. Just PM me.


Dinesh Kumar Dama...
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Dear All,

Project Controls Manager relatively a news position introduced on projects(in Asia, Middle East,UK and other part of the world).

Traditionally, we used to have a contracts department who is responsible for all the cost and contracts related issues and a planner/scheduler who supports scheduling functions supporting project manager projects.Cost and scheduling interface used to be managed by the project manager. Due this reason, still there is no proper fortfolio for the project controls manager in the industry.I have worked on major projects and seen project controls manager mostly involved in the scheduling management role rather than project controls.

Let us come to the basics, we all know what is project is; controls: To reduce or prevent the spread of,To adjust to a requirement; regulate etc.Project Controls Manager should be responsible for devising all the measures, implementing them monitoring them and controlling them, This is applicable for time, cost, quality and safety. Normally projects do have quality control and safety managers and these two item are left for them to handle which leaves cost and time to the PCM.Quantity surveying(including contracts) and scheduling departments should be part of Project Controls in order to be effective.


Dinesh Kumar
Dieter Wambach
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I can’t remember that we quoted on such project of that size, so the risk you mentioned doesn’t fit. But I believe it is a good argument to reflect - thank you.
Oliver Melling
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The whole point of the PMI BoK and the APM BoK is to make an internationally recognized lexicon for the project management industry.
If your company bid upon a project of less than 100k that my or rav’s company were tendering and we saw that you had included a PCM, then it it possible that our companies would not choose your bid for contract award because it may look like your over estimating the planning requirements.

This is a very simplistic example I know, but when do you work for say American clients (PMI) and you are a european company (APM), misconstrued information can cost money!


Dieter Wambach
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Hi Oliver, Raviraj
This is no religious war. I explained how PCM is defined in the company I’m working for. My personal opinion doesn’t count. In other companies terms are used differently.
I really don’t understand why you don’t accept. We all are working in projects most of us for changing customers and so we are accustomed (or should be ..) to adapt to different environments, to live with different cultures, with different terms. No need to fight and to evaluate, but to define and to discuss.
By the way: If I would have to decide the terms, I would agree with Raviraj. I’ll try to modify the definition.
Regards to all
Oliver Melling
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And that one person will mostly be a planner who has been assigned the work by a PCM/Planning Manager.
Dieter Wambach
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Hi Raviraj
I wrote "templates to be used as bricks". I didn’t write "using the traditional templates (bricks) alone". Projects are singular, it would be absolutely stupid to restrict a schedule to templates/bricks. It must be: bricks + individual. But there is no need for always reinvent wheels. This I meant by effectively working.
You use a different definition than we do. That’s ok.
Please show me an international law/regulation where this term is defined. There isn’t any. PMBoK: Nothing. Even in Germany where we have a industrial norm for everything, it isn’t defined. So we have to develop the term by ourselves, live with different definitions, and then discuss.
Not all projects have a size of some billions of Euros or Dollars, that you need a team for project controls. Normal project life is different. Mostly one person will be ok (+replacement).
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I agree with what Oliver and carmen have written.

the way u hav presented @ PCM, he sounds more like a Sr. Planner / Sr. Scheduler.

His main job shud b to get d right things done (not by self) by others. He shud communicate with other departments to provide / show them where as a project, v r standing.

He shud try to provide information which is more relevant to this specific project rather than using the traditional templates (bricks) alone.

The crux of the matter is; he shud:
- establish the standard APPROACH for the specific project to organise the various elements of the planning & project controls
- He shud FACILITATE the planner / scheduler for formation of comprehensive time-phased budget by thorough schedule planning and cost estimating.
- To control project activity flow by defining how work is formally authorised
- To GUIDE planning team for making performance reports and SUGGEST ways to control changes to the project baseline.

As far as project size is concerned, if the project size is bigger, then there will be PLANNING MANAGER ALONG WITH A PROJECT CONTROLS MANAGER.

Dieter Wambach
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Again, first its an item for definition second it depends on the size of project.If a project has a size that it requires more than one person for scheduling, he will more be team leader during project execution. We have some templates to be used as bricks, which makes life easier for the planner. As planning is easier in p5/P6 than in P3, this was another reason to switch.
A PCM who has a "complicated way of scheduling and reporting" would work for a different company. With an effective way of working he will have plenty of time to perfom the total scope of work.
Carmen Arape
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I understand your point BUT in your company the PCM is doing something wrong when he spends most of his time in scheduling.

Sometimes the PCM creates so complicated way of scheduling and reporting that not ONLY the planners, BUT He waste all the time in feeding the schedule and processing.

Where is the time for: analysis, assessing What-If scenarios and communicating the date forecast to the people that can take an action to change the future.

OLIVER is trying to point out that PCM can not be all the time scheduling.

Dieter Wambach
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Hi Oliver,
the best basis for misunderstandings is no clear definitions of the terms. In the company I work for, a PCM among others creates and maintains schedules, and provides the required reporting inclusive performance measurement. In addition he may represent the PM and has a right for veto if there are not realistic scope of work, dates or budgets. This is quite powerful and requires some managerial behaviour. It’s much more than a scheduler, but he has to work with Primavera as well. It is not the team leader.
In other companies it may be different.
It depends on your team’s size and how it is staffed, if you only schedule the workload of your team or you have to work as a planner as well.
Oliver Melling
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The schedule is the right tool for project controls, but the PCM should manage the workload and procedures that planners work to.

The only thing a PCM needs to schedule is the workload of his team.


R. Catalan
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It all boils down to what he knows about:
1. Role of a PCM?
2. His knowledge of Integrated Cost & Schedule Control
3. Earned Value Analysis (as Clive has said)
4. Problem solving approach
5. Work attitude as part of a Team

R. Catalan
Christian Adrian ...
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I guess that is a pitfall of a Planning manager.. that he gets too much involved in creating schedules rather than managing his planners..

Dieter Wambach
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It’s a question of title I assume. PCM is not necessary the Head of Department, but as his position is very important and is staffed with some power inside the project, we have this title.
What should be the tool for project controls if not the schedule?
Oliver Melling
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What do the planners do if the planning manager is planning?


Dieter Wambach
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Hi Daniel
With this wording I agree. Sorry for misunderstanding - it’s the difference between native and foreign language.

Hi Oliver
In the company I work for, a Project Controls Manager has to create and maintain schedules. We have P3e/P6 as a mainline - with some projects in P3 and MSP due to customer’s wish as well. So P3e or P3 is a requirement and I test it.
Oliver Melling
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Tis but a stones throw.
Clive Randall
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see your back in Cheshire
Oliver Melling
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Also, I don’t think it is neceassary for a planning manager to know how to plan on P5.

A nice to have, but not a requirement.
Daniel Limson
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I think you have taken the question very literally, every body knows that nobody can predict the future, let me re-phrase it. I think the essence of the question is what will you do (measures you need to do)as a Project Controls Manager to complete the project on time and on budget.

Cheers mate
Dieter Wambach
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Dieter Wambach
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I would sit him at a PC, open a real project in Primavera and let him evaluate this project. He would be informed, this is the test database and so no risk to destroy anything.
By this I can see:
- Aquainted to use Primavera
- Which aspects are important for him
- How is his strategy in unknown projects.
- Does he realize strengths and weaknesses.
It would be some discussion on those items --> How does he react - or she, of course.

To Daniel:
"guarantee fulfillment of work schedule and complete the project within budget". A candidate who would say so, would not be hired. CntrlsMgr has to indicate, were are deviations, risks and to show ways out of the dilemma, but he isn’t able to guarantee for the future.
Oliver Melling
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I’m moving to a new job at Oxford next week, but i have noticed that my profile has changed from Chesire to Merseyside?

Don’t know why?
Clive Randall
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Oliver have you moved?
Oliver Melling
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Good questions would be to ask them,

’How he/she would ensure that they provided the available project control resources to dispatch the tender and contract project requirements?’

’Whether or not they feel enterprise level planning software is required to meet the demands of modern day project driven organisations?’

’Do they believe a functional/weak/strong matrix management practice is better for controlling their project controllers, planners and estiamtors?’

’Do they prefer Back to the Future 1, 2 or 3?’
Clive Randall
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I would be interested in hearing everybodies answer to that tough question
Daniel Limson
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An ideal and appropriate question i have in mind would be:

As a Project Controls Manager, What measures would you do or undertake to guarantee fulfillment of work schedule and complete the project within budget?
Clive Randall
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Does he understand what earned value is
Does he feel that progress monitoring on s curves provides usefull information
How many activities would he expect to be critical on the tender programme
What does he think of Primavera and what does he see as its pitfalls

That should give you and idea if his BSC is more BS than SC
Brad Lord
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just say to him pay me a thousdand dollars and i will give you the job, if he says yes then you know not to trust him

ha ha ha ha
Richard Spedding
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What are the early warning signs you look for when reviewing progress against the schedule, both on a project by project and at an enterprise level?