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Construction methodologies and production norms

3 replies [Last post]
Abhijit Kale
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Good afternoon...

Can anybody guide me about the construction methodologies and production norms for the construction of rigid pavement road and the structures like culverts and small bridges.



ashraf alawady
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All these referances and orthers which written in many books are approximate and if it could be suitable for some projects at some time, it can not be suitable for all projects at all times.

You have to have your own local experiance and to deal witheach project as a unique and time limited product.
User offline. Last seen 4 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Abhi,

Can refer JOGLEKAR’s book. Available in ur market and widely accepted, used and practiced in Indian Construction Industry. This will give u norms in context with Indian market scenario.


Mangesh Khuspe
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if u log onto

maybe u would get the production norms on that website.

