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Planning Conference In Las Vegas

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Brennan Westworth
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Does anybody know of any planning or project management conferences being held in Las Vegas in December this year?

I need a good reason for a "business trip"


Paul Smith
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Imagine there’s no countries
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

Wishful thinking?
Gwen Blair
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Excuse me. Did anyone ever get to a Planning Conference in Las Vegas?
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Apoloogies accepted.

I believer you seldom offer your sincere apologies.

Indeed Planning planet is the most beautiful and wonderful planet on earth.


Clive Randall
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The paragraph I quoted, the sentiment of which I agree with, was in fact subcribing whole heartedly with the removal of national, political and religious barriers to aid mans development in an arena of trust and understanding.

My humour, or lack of it, in describing the client as the dark side was not meant to be derogatory, and if you took exception to the humour, I offer my apologies.

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I really wonder why you view client’s project manager on the dark side.

This is not Star Wars and we are not playing star wars movie episode 1 to 6: I’m not Luke Skywalker and you are not Darth Vadeer.

The point here Clive is to learn partnership and go away with prejudice.

Client’s project managers have the same interest as any other project team members on the contractor side.



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It was deleted by the moderator.

It was so provocative since it relate to the history of UK.

I love this planet. At least we have moderator to temper emotions.

Cheers Clive and continue posting in PP.

Clive Randall
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Got an e mail on your response to this thread but cant find the response
Whats happening.
Bill Joshaf
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I think you should improve your English skills being non EU...

No need to apologize .... try to improve..........

Clive Randall
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I will try to write in English next time so that my writing does not require a translation.
My apologies.
Shahzad Munawar
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Clive is correctly saying that being acknowledged the progress is behind against the planned the Good managers take decisive/remedial action forthwith whereas others attempt to imitate as routine matters not considering these ‘Delays’ seriously
Clive Randall
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So good to see you are still with us even though you have ventured to the Dark Side (clients project manager)
Always thought they were the guys who told you how they would do it without having to do it.

Nice to see that planning technology has been influenced by the United States, a country that often struggles to plan successfully especially when it comes to its more public face, ie Iraq, Iran (remember the yellow ribbons and the fact the Americans did not know that sand was not good for helicopters) Vietnam and the list continues, in fact the only time they ever seem to get it right is when they join halfway through.

However having said all of this, in a effort to counter an element of bigotory prevalent in your posting I would add this.

""When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent? Because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence. So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind.”
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Freedom from the Known (pp. 51-52)

Now onto the more important aspects of this topic.

"Most project managers do not wish to hear their project is behind schedule", seems reasonable. What is however important is what they do when they do hear it is behind schedule. Good managers will take decisive action, bad managers will attempt to mimic and Ostrich.

Of course a good manager will have established a system by which he has found out the trend is going South, long before it becomes a problem. As to whether he is black, blue, green or yellow this to me is irrelevant, its whether he can manage or he cant.
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Hi Shahzad,

This kiind of approach in planning where nobody listen to what the planning updates are all about only happen in your part of the world or UK or commonwealth countries or other countries under the British Empire where the sun dont settle down. Only in your part.

Other countries infuence by the original of planning thoughts (Im refering to US of A really), planning software have different views and the way planning are used to influence the positive outcome of projects.

I know because I’m been to a lot of countries.

But in fairness the practice of not letting the project team knows the real status make the project team lazy, lethargic and hence realistic delays. This also make useful employmnent of forensic planners, claim specialist, etc.

You know this because if all project are on schedule, then, forensic planners will be irrelevant.


Shahzad Munawar
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I do agree with your contention that no body in construction wants to listen ’Delay’ either Contracts Manager, Project Manager, Resident Engineer or Project Director etc. everyone wants to see the project ’On Programme’.
Clive Randall
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Does this mean you are leaving us?

""I’m now a project manager working on the client side."

Brennan Westworth
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Thanks Chris,

its only a short drive (by Australian standards) from Cali to Vegas.,+NV,+USA&sa=X&oi=map&ct=image

yeeee haaaaar
Carmen Arape
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I have worked in some many multicultural projects that I would like to share with you my conclusions with regard cultures and Project management:

-American and Canadian project managers: they are the best understanding planning vocabulary and taking advantage of planning tools.

South American Project managers: first of all, we can not use planning terminology in Spanish because it is difficult to translate and you do not get the same meaning as in English. Second, we south Americans are really good with improvisation. So planning is against to our nature.

European project managers (excepting UK): make things more difficult that they normally are. They understand very well planning terminology BUT the use of planning tools is very complicated.

I would like to believe that British project management must have very good planning background. Especially when I see in PP many aids of planners willing to go UK to become good planners.

Thanks for your words with regard Keeping the best practices in planning.

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I agree with you.

PM should know what the planners are tweakings in the baseline programme.

I’m now a project manager working on the client side.

I run filter on the main contractor P3 schedule and found out 400 activities schedule to start but not started and 500 activities schedule to finish but not finish. The contractor only got 200 direct workers. So no way can the delays be mitigated.

Nobody knows the extent of the delays because the planning engineer did not informed the project manager.

When I worked in the contractor side as planning engineer, the project manager and construction manager dont want to know the delays. When I worked in the consultant side, project director, construction director, resident engineer, etc., do not want to know the delays.

So what are planning for???????

but I agree different cultures have different approach in the way planning will have relevance in the project. I agree with Brad because i did notice your part of the plannet are practicing this type of planning, the way you mention in your post.

But your cousin in US of A, have a different view on the way planning have effective relevance in project implementation. In the same way that countries influence by US of A ways of project planning and implementation have different approach in project management.

To Carmen: keep up the best practice in project planning and project implementation



Carmen Arape
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have a nice tea TIME.

My coffee and cookies wait for ME.

Brad Lord
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Most PM’s ihave worked with have been a pain in the arse, so i take great joy in providing them with the bad news they deserve, the good ones get the information well in advance and we avoid any major issues

now get my tea ready

ha ha ha
Carmen Arape
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I have not started this business from P3enterprise. I am not very old to think in ARTEMIS for mainframe. I am someone in between these two events. BUT I am someone who believes in providing good information to PM although sometimes they are not able to understand it.

Why having Joy in telling them “things have gone wrong” instead of “things are going to be wrong” if you do not take the proper actions.

Brad Lord
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if your only a little old planner like us all what is the point in evaluating PM things, leave that to them, they are alien beings from another world whom i take great joy in telling them when things have gone wrong,

ha ha ha ha
Carmen Arape
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Thanks, But I think it would be better to stay in the Oil&Gas field.

I did one a change in the past to Mining. After that experience, I thought the OIL&Gas business is my field.



Thanks, Got the event list from IPMA. Two seminars caught my attention:
The Business of project (London)
Projects under Risk (iceland)

Both courses are project managers oriented. I am not project manager BUT I am evaluating both.

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Hi Carmen,

I just left the planning job in railway.

Send your cv to the agency thru job page.

Job page - dubai - railway construction.


Chris Oggham
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Hi Carmen,

As far as events from August to October are concerned, some are being run by The International Project Mangement Association at various European locations.

You might pick up something else you’re interested in from the links on the page. Might be worth a look.

Chris Oggham
Carmen Arape
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You are everywhere in planningplanet. Please find me a work in Railway field.

Haaaaaaa Yeeeeeee
Brad Lord
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Hi Carmen

Thats because your working in petchem, i work in railways and is so easy and get paid stupid loads of money on a contract basis,

yeeee hhaaaa
Carmen Arape
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HI Brad,

Skiving off work. YES and I want to hear How the work is not being done.

When your work is so frustrating, It is better to hear how others are doing things.

Yeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaa
Brad Lord
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is it me or is everyone trying to skive off work and jet around the world just to be told how to do their job, but saying that sounds like a great idea, im off to LA

Yeeeee Haaaa
Carmen Arape
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Hi all,

Does anybody know of any planning or project management conferences being held in Europe from August to October this year?

I need to hear new ways of planning and project management.

Thanks & Ciao
Chris Oggham
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Hi Brennan,

Does it have to be Las Vegas? Only the Project Management Institute are running a series of seminars in California in December, this link will take you to them.


Chris Oggham
Brennan Westworth
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No events in December :(
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Check this link, All project managemet events are available here.

Well westworth, if u find this link worth for going to west, then send me two bottle of wine at least.

