Dear Fellow Schedulers/Planners,
on the one of the schedules that i’m updating, I have noticed that for some of the activities that are in progrees; those that have Actual Start but not yet finished, the remaining work bar does not start at the data date; instead, it seems to jump far ahead in time dirstubting the bar continum, and ofcourse producing a non-logical end date of the activity concerned, as well as the the following realted activities.
This problem seems to be related to calender (working days); rather it seems to be related to Remaing Early Start; changing RES to DD for the concerned correct the situation for that activity but not the related ones!!! and running the schedule again will cuz the RES to become irregular!!!
Anyone can help please, last progress meeting it was awfully embarressing... taaking into consideration that my boss is not related in no way to planning/scheduling...
thank you fellows,
Best Regards,
Rami M. Al Haddad
Al Arrab Cont. Co.
Saudi Arabia