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Global Energy Usage

5 replies [Last post]
Gwen Blair
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The world may be a safer place if the the major consumers were to plan and reign back usage, plan and promote alternative energy strategies and plan promote energy savings be it gas/pterol consumption, domestic heating, industrial power sources.
Energy = Oil, gas, Nuclear, wind, tide etc the full gambit


Marcio Sampaio
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William Cormack;

Very good question.

In fact, this is a concern of govrnment.

I think it does not have any impact on the mentioned points. I think production could increase more and it is a trend. Brazil is continental country.
Alccol is made with a kind of small tree caled "cana de açúcar" (the same that gives sugar) and bio-diesel are made with the oil extract from a small fruit called "mamona".

But as in any other place of the world, exists polical interests involved.


Marcio Eduardo
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
William Cormack
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Very interesting. I’d heard that before but never looked into it.

Questions: Does land given over to production of the fuel crop have any impact on food production (crops or livestock.

Any environmental impact of production i.e. forest clearance, land damage, water table pollution etc?

William Cormack
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Define "safer".

It’s certainly possible to reduce energy consumption in the West/"developed" world but is the political, collective and/or individual will there.

In addition will any savings we make be more than offset by increased energy demand and usage in the developing world?

Marcio Sampaio
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Dear all

Here in Brazil, alcool combustible has a very large usage, beyond bio-diesel (fact with a type of fruit called "mamona").

Already exist bi-fuels cars (alcool and gas) manufactured in Brazil and today it represents 70% of cars salles in Brazil.

We - from "third world" - are doing our job.

Brazil is agree with Protocol of Kioto.

Marcio Eduardo
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Gwen Blair
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Posts: 182
All moot points and all open for debat!

Taking "well it will keep us planners employed for a long time" out the equation, the discussion could be quite interesting considering the variety of backgrounds contributing to PP.