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Role of planners at different level

7 replies [Last post]
Vanessa Morris
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Hello, I’d like to know the differences of the roles of planners at the owner, EPC contractor and sub-contractor level. For example, on a turnaround/shutdown of some plants of a refinery, what will the planner of the owner (i.e. an ExxonMobil Refinery) do?, what will the planner of the EPC contractor (i.e. Bechtel, Fluor, Foster Wheeler) do? and what will the planner of the different subcontractors do (mechanical, electrical, instrumentation subcontractors, and so on)? Thank you.


Andrew McDonald
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The JMS sheets in my experience are produced via consultation between the supervisor who will actually carry out the work and the operation team who own the plant.

The supervisor will have an idea how he intends to carry out the work and the operation will tell him if this is possible.

After the JMS has been validated by plant and trades supervisors it is then passed to the Scheduler who compiles the programme.
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Dear Vanessa,
This is complicated, JMS being done by operation team they also call planner, for scheduling they call Planner Scheduler. If u ask why? the answer....I dont know
Vanessa Morris
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Thank you gentlemen, all the answers helped me a lot to understand this doubt. Who develops the Job Method Sheet/Statement (JMS)? Thanks.
Ranish KT
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Whatever is the trend at various places with different owners, the schedule prepared by the owner themselves would depict more details than others, reasons :-

1. They know their equipment better than the EPC contractor unless it is a long term contract for carrying out a number of shutdwons for a specified period, say 5 yrs.
2. Generally, EPC contractor has very little time to preapre the schedule between time of award and start of execution.
3. Data from the previous shutdown of similar nature is readily available with any professional owners.
4. Details of shutdown activiites like inspection scope or operation’s scope can be well discussed by the planner in the owner comapny internally with his collegues in Inspection or operations.

Well the EPC contractor will be more versed in the resouce loading in these schedule as they are conversatn with requirements than the owners. Prima facie they need to agree to the owners schedule and built up the resourse loading and SCurves and stuff.

Well A joint effort is required between EPC and owner
EPC contractor to have ample time to study and built up innumerous activities per equipment, shifting of crew from one equipment to toher, priority of release of equip, priority of operations/inspections, etc and built upm their schedule for owners approval.

Subcontractor needs to comply with the schedule and hence needs to agree before hand the schedule and resource deployment based on target.

But Shutdowns resource loading is difficult esp on amount of repairs that could be asessed only after opening the equipment. So one needs to keep enough cushion.

Raj Maurya
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Planners role is always to plan the work and schedule it with given/available parameters (eg. time/resources).So In case of turnover planning, Client Planner will plan the work based on givens and Consultant Planner will have based plan from Client and make it more detail and then sub-contractor’s planner need to make it mirco level of detail of work. Over all co-ordination to be done by Client Planner.
Raja Izat Raja Ib...
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Hi Charles,
this is my past experience, its total diffrent here, the consultant will prepare every schedule(include interface schedule) for turnaround, base on trade like rotating, static, intrument etc. After that the schedule to be distribute to contractors base on trade. The contrator have to follow what ever schedule being given and have to update the progress every day and orperation team will check the progress every night and update to main schedule(level 1) for progrss meeting and presentation early morning before shift change.
The activities is around 35000, its seems like not worth cause preparation about 6 month, Turaround only 30days.
cheers... turaround planner
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Hello Vanessa,

Generally, the sub-contractor planning engineers are doing the detail planning of their scope of works. So if the job involve different sub-contractors for each trade, the next question is who will do the interface of the different plans generated by each sub-contractor for each trade (mech, elect, elecrical, instrumentation)?

We will let the others share their idea.
