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Planning Engineer vs QS

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Jimmy robert
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Is this is so essential that Planning Engineer should be a QS or with general knowledge of quantities , a planner may do QS work?

note that here QS is only meant for qunatities take up , not for rates or cash flow or other works just calculate quantities

In mangamed companies in Middle East and far east, is QS section is different from planning or Planner have to do both jobs simutaneously ?

What about in UK, same as in Middle East or different?

In my view Planning Engineer’s function to plan and monitor the progress whereas the function of QS is to assit the planner as and when required by the Planner for proper planning by giving quantities of the required activity

So these sections are entirely different responsibilities not mes up.

In small valued contractors it is understandable that they use planner for QS, Saftey, Documention,etc, what about in good managed comapnies.

What is common practice in both countries ?


Sunil Kumar
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Time out Guys, There seems to be quite a communication gap. Can we quit this one ...


Joshi Niraj
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you totally misintereupt the answer and show that you are very intelligent and have given true guidlines to the members of this forum and people really appreciate your discussion in such a way.

If you never understood the question and then why do u write tails and stories.

Answer is not like if your boss ask question how much length you require to plan then you call from quantity section ,

Hey QS , please come, help me, calculate the length and materail like bricks .

what a rubbish answer SA . There is no question of material computaion . The question only relates to quantities , estimated quantities....

If Engineer can not study the drawings and not calculate such quantities then he is not entitled for job. this is understood thing.

Jimmy’s question is not to calculate such quantities in your way, SA JaCO .

Also You do not need to be slowly getting upset about this subject, think about it and then become happy about it what a subject

Jaco Stadler
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Hi Jimmy

I Think it is depended on the Type of Project.

Normally we produce a Thing called a project plan in this it is define who does what/how/when etc. This normally differs from project to project depended on the project strategy.

Normally in EPCM type of project the schedule gets done before the BOQ or the QS is on board. The reason the E (IN EPCM) how can a QS do BOQ if the engineering is not done.

So how do we do the schedule. We do our own calc on the QTY and calculate the estimated duration. (Based on this we know when to do the engineering so that a BOQ can be done)

We normally use QS only if it is remesurable job. Example Cubes of Concrete etc. They are normally calculate it and cross check it with the contractors QTY claimed. This ensures that no over payment is made to contractors.

I do feel all Planners must be able to calculate the QTY what happens if the schedule and the BOQ is not in the same structure. Does the planner keep on running to the QS and ask him how many Bricks etc in this portion.

I am surprised to some of the answer on this page.

I can just imagine what my boss will do.
If he comes to me and ask me here is a dwg how long to build and I tell him to get the QS to have a look at it first then I will tell him how long to build. (At that stage he will tel me what I can do with the DWg on my way out)

I would like to ask my fellow ("UAE") planners when you do a progress update how do you calculate it do you ask the QS how far we are ? or do you calc the QTY remaining versus BQ.

What would you do when you go to Petro Chemical and do Turn around. Will you expect the Fitter to stretch the pipe because you can not calc the right lenth. Or you can not do work schedules because you do not have a QS.

Maybe now I understand ....


I am slowly getting upset about this subject.

Shahzad Munawar
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Thanks sukumaran

you clearly differentiate the responsibilities of QS and Planner.

Now I think there should be no confusion on this issue
Sukumaran Subaram...
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Hi Guys,

Over my place the QS role is:
-to do taking off
-monitor the cash flow
-do monthly claim
-call for tender and finalise with sub-contractors

Planner’s scope is:
-develop the schedule
-calculate the productivity rates
-monitor the work progress and keep track the schedule
-revise the schedule if required
-advice the management on current situation based on work progress

Basically, QS and Planner will work together when they do the pricing and calculate the productivity rates. This is to determine the number of team/gang required for each trades.

Sunil Kumar
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Good Morning Joshi,

Thanks for your information on Planning and Q.S.roles. However I suggest you read my note word by word and understand before you proceed to respond

Have a nice day


Joshi Niraj
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It is not essential that Planning Engineer must QS

I think you are QS not Engineer that’s why you favoured QS.

Am I right sunil having 10 years experience of planning?

What a joke that you cannot get the quantities what you want for planning ? This means that there need special quantities for planning which a QS never know? wonderful!!

If yes, then How QS prepare the bill or measurement.

Plz read Jimmy’s post concentrately where Jimmy limited the QS to give quantities of activities only not allow for other engineering practices like material calculation, cost and cash flow

It is duty of QS to assist Planning Engineer in quantities as and when require and not planner to waste his time in calculation of quantities and work as QS despite its original duties of planning, controling and monitoring

Bear in mind that in large scale and good companies, QS/proposal and planning sections are always seperate and QS/propsal section help planners in quantities .
Sunil Kumar
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A Planning Engineer must also be a Q.S. for the following reasons,
1. you might not get the kind of quanties from a Q.S. you need for your planning
2. If you have the time and get to take the quantities You will for sure know the drawings better.

This I am saying with the little experience (10 years) I have in Planning.


Bill Guthrie
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Agree Philip.

Remember a PLANNING ENGINEER should be that, a DEGREED ENGINEER, (in the states, its improper to call oneself a engineer unless degreed) with at least 10 years in planning.

and a QS is a Technican, well qualifed by working experience whom normally assist the Planning engnieer and Contracts Administrator on Large T & E Projects, and not much needed on lump sum jobs, provided the Planning Engineer gets off his duff and gets out on the jobsite to qualify progress.

cheers bill

Philip Jonker
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I think the first choice for picking a planning engineer, is an engineer with at least 10 years of a combination of design and site experience. When looking at a QS then it is a different case, the QS must have spent a good amount (10 years)of time around all aspects of projects, especially costing. This is my personal preference gained from about 35 years of engineering experience, and more specifically 16 years of pure project controls. However, when selecting people, the greatest asset for a planning engineer is practical experience, and the right mindset, no matter which discipline they come from.