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MOSS - Earthworks

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Gerry McCaffrey
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Can anyone advise me what the MOSS part stands for? Whilst I have been dealing with Earthworks in civil engineering contracts for years, I’ve never stopped to think what MOSS means. Just curious. My internet hunt did not inform me.


Gerry McCaffrey
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Thanks Admin, but I did get that far. I even contacted a MOSS guru who has used MOSS for years prior to Infrasoft taking over (He’s now an MX guru - (old Moss)). He could not answer the question. My only hope is that this thread is not another As-Built-Critical-Path. AAAAAArrggghhh.

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We came accross this...

Infrasoft, the one-time distributor, then owner of Moss System’s MOSS. Infrasoft’s MX product line includes a series of civil engineering applications for road design/renewal, railway engineering, site development, and landform design that run on AutoCAD, MicroSta-tion and stand-alone on Windows. One big selling point is that data can be moved seamlessly from one platform to another.

Not great, but it may offer some answers.
