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Presentation of programmes

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Having moved jobs recently, I have started using P3 as the planning tool. My first impressions aren’t too favourable - but that’s another issue!

What I am somewhat surprised at is the reluctance to use the PERT diagrams, for the highest detail, by the staff.
All programmes are presented in Gantt with the myriad of relationship lines obscurring some activities else having to include predecessor information against the activity detail.

I personally find this a very strange way to work but would be interested to hear how many of you actually use PERTs in normal day working as I have been advised that in this particular sector this is considered standard working practise.


User offline. Last seen 4 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Presentation is an art. To prepare a presentation is a great task.
I do some simple research work prepare a presentation. The areas include: to who and his preference. One time or regular type. Volume of presentation, some like one A4 sheet, some like a booklet, etc etc. Lot of consideration.