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PSP Exam (Part IV)

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Al Smith
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Part IV of the PSP Exam is a real-time Communications Exercise. It requires the candidate to write the equivalent of a one-page typewritten memorandum to simulate reporting on planning and scheduling analysis to a project manager, explaining the issues and proposing a solution regarding a given problem.

I am looking for samples of this type of reports/memos. Does anyone know a website where I can find samples of this type of reports/memos? I couldn’t find samples on AACE’s website. I would also appreciate if someone wants to share one from your own.


Danilo Arba
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i am also looking for an example of a memo for the PSP exam, if anyone has a template could it share it with me at ?





Zoltan Palffy
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Al Smith 

send me your email addand I can send you some canned memos

Santosh Bhat
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The purpose of Part Iv is to demonstrate you have the capabiliteis to commmunicate planning and scheduling issues yourself, not copy  existing questions and answerthem. This is one the main reasons why the PSP certification requires a level of experience, not just merely studying a gudebook.

Syed Maqsood Ahmed
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Hi Yayan,

If you can send please, some sample Memo for Part 4 preparation of the PSP exam before Sat, 7 as I have my exam scheduled on 8/Dec/19.

Guys, If anyone have a few Memo Questions and Answers/solutions for the PSP exam, please send on


With best regards,


Yayan Numing
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Hai Smith,
I think U cannot find the site.
The purposes part IV is: We can communicate the problem or issue "what happens in project."
After that we must analys situasion. and we must give alternative solution also corrective action.
Use your word!


I already finished examination PSP (June 27,2009) in Jakarta(Indonesia)