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what can i expect in the Interview?

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deepthi deepthi
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iam a devloper(.net)and recently shfted to usa lookin for a my husbands firm theres an opening for project planner and he enquired about it we should have a basic understanding of primavera later if selected they wil be give training

i have done mba and worked for an year as a BA too

What questions can i expect as i have no clue about project planning

Please help 


Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 24 weeks ago. Offline



I think your best chance is to be quite open with the interview, and tell them you have no experience in planning, but are a quick and eager learner. Then demonstrate this by researching topics such as:

-Earned Value

-Forward Pass

-Backward Pass

-Total Float

-Critical Path


-Gantt Chart

-Predecessors and Sucessors


If they are looking for a junior planner to work under someone more experienced, they may consider you. However if they are looking fo someone with a basic understanding of primavera (which you won't have), then I think you are unlikely to be sucessful.


Good luck!