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Masonry - Brick Block Programmes

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James Young
User offline. Last seen 13 years 39 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all,

I need to produce a detailed Brick & Block work Programme, i havent had much to do with brick laying before so i need a point in the right direction if possible?

i.e What activities to include, do i build the face bricks with the block work etc?

i would appriciate if some one could help.

Many thanks,



Maxwell Maxwell
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Hi All,

Please can anyone tell me how to read constriction drawings and specification to produce a programme? I seriously need help understanding how this is done because am new to planning. 

Many thanks.

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 10 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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Hi James

It depends entirely on the nature of the structure.

If the brickwork is load bearing then it will follow the foundation base up to the floor structure - stop until the floor is fixed - and then restart.

If it is a surface cladding then it will follow the steel or concrete structure after the structure has progressed far enough to allow safe working under safety fans.

A brick amd block cavity wall will go up both leaves together one "LIFT" at a time - a "LIFT" is the comfortatble work height - say 1.5m - before the scaffolding has to be raised for the next lift.

A common system today is to put in a steel + weather board panel as the inside skin (metsec or similar) fixed from the inside as the structure rises. The brick cladding then goes up as and when convenient - again in "LIFTS".

Don’t forget the internal partitions and also gable walls and chimneys which go up after roof trusses so that they can be cut to line.

If you are using standard book outputs for your resource modelling remember to add for basic labours such as - cavity insulation - lintols - head restraints - DPC etc etc.

Best regards

Mike Testro