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Dur % cpl vs Activity % Cpl - is the only way to get a % to show to change the original dur or use physical dur?

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John Reeves
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Dur % cpl vs Activity % Cpl - is the only way to get a % to show to change the original dur or use physical dur? - I thought there used to be a setting to connect rem dur to % cpl - but am I thinking of p3 not p6 and there is no setting in P6?  What is the best way to have a notice update with %'s.  I thinki I preferred P3 where they were tied - it is much easiery when % cpl matech the actual dur % but it is also not cool to have to adjust the origi. dur.  -  John

Zoltan Palffy
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several ways here

go to the projects directory 

highlight your project

go to the calculations tab and on the right make sure that on the right under resource assignments that recalculate actual units and costs when duration % complete changes

now go to the defaults tab there and under defaults for new activities that the percent complete type is set to duration

now when you update and activity lets say that is 10 days original duration and you progress it to 50% complete then the remaining duration will automaticaly be 5 days.

if you are using physcial % complete then go tot tools

gobal change

then New

If           Parameter                Is                      Value

Where     physical % complete  is not equal to       0

Then          Parameter                Is                      Value

               duration % complte     =                  Physcial % complete

then on the right select change





John Reeves
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Thank you for the reply.  Been there, I have been on DOE jobs.  I tend to keep it mixed, in particular with novices because the they will be working backwards into some items anyway such as procurement items and unfortunately it is simply easier to adjust the OD to let the computer do it.  Earned Value is common on this site, but in general is not that commonly used in broad construction - mainly Federal government projects only, and even then mainly DOE and military.

david kelly
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Duration per cent complete is connected to the ratio of remaining duration to original duration, with the restriction that the value is always 0-100. For example, you could have an original duration of 10 days, and a remaining duration of 11 days, the duration % complete will be 0. Duration % complete is not necessarily linked to Activity % complete, that depends on the Percent Complete type of the Activity. All expert uses of P6 require the Percent Complete type to be ‘Physical’ because that is the only way to do full Earned Value Analysis in P6.