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Planned Progress for Building Project

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moutaz aldeib
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Greetings Planners,

Based on what to estimate the planned progress for a building project that includes sub-structure and super-structure items (steel fixing, shuttering, casting, deshuttering, slab on grade ect.

I have quantities for steel and quantities for concrete and the price can not be the factor to estimate planned progress.

Your help is highly appreciated




Zoltan Palffy
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installation rates should be based on estimated quantities and historial company standards also the number of men that are going to perfom the task.

I can have a task for 80 hours for 1 man to do something whoulcwould be 10 days. However if I put 2 men on that taks it will take 5 days.

It a combination of estimated manhours and the number of men to use on that task.