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Are UDF Field Formulas Not available in Ver 20.1?

3 replies [Last post]
Casey F
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Posts: 17

Is anyone aware of the process for setting up formulas in P6 v. 20.1.  Its been a while since I utilized formulas in the system, and can't seem to find any correct instructions on how to complete this that references the newer versions. 

Following the UDF instructions of the Oracle websites gets tripped up at the first step as I am not able to select Formula as a data type in the UDF field. 

Is this possibly a permission thing? (I have admin superuser) I am thinking the process just changed with the version changed so any In-sight would be great! 

Thank you, 

Casey Fuhrmann


Casey F
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Zoltan - Absolutely, I was hoping to save myself a minor amount of effort.

Santosh - I am not sure, but you are likely correct as I used EPPM sparingly previously (years ago) and probably for this reason. I don't have EPPM capabilities currently. 


Thank you both. 

Zoltan Palffy
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I am not sure that I understand the question you can run a global change and do the math there to get the UDF value that you want.

Santosh Bhat
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Casey, I might be wrong, but thats a feature only available in P6 EPPM using the Web - P6 PPM using the traditional client has never had a formula feature for UDF's.